Cyber City Overview

Plug in and learn about the newest TFT roster hitting the streets of Cyber City!

Plug in and download the latest TFT set: Cyber City, which goes live on April 2nd with Patch 14.1. This neon sprawl is up for grabs, but the streets don’t run on goodwill. From the back-alley Syndicate to the soulless towers of Divinicorp, power shifts with every roll, hack, and Exotech item slam. Who you roll with is up to you, but to help you pick your crew, let’s check out the dossiers on some of Cyber City’s most infamous factions.


  • Poppy 1G Bastion

  • Veigar 2G Techie

  • Ziggs 4G Strategist

  • Kobuko 5G Bruiser

They may not be the biggest crew in numbers (or stature), but what they lack in size, they make up for in heart—or a large desire to deplete their opponents’ hearts. Activating Cyberboss has these retro-Yordles upgrading the strongest in the crew to their final form, gaining Health, AP, and an increased ability size—so they can womp more enemies. If you’re able to field all four Cyberbosses, all of them upgrade, with the strongest of them getting even more stats. While I prefer to play Cyberboss as a reroll comp with the 2-cost Veigar who deals more true damage to enemies at a lower star level (quite the bully), going fast 8 will help you more consistently hit the Cyberboss (4) breakpoint, and its 5-cost. 

The 5-cost of the Cyberboss crew heralds the return of our most huggable Yordle in a not-so-huggable final boss form. Kobuko is a multi-phase fighter, and he hits hard at all stages. Even his auto attacks deal extra damage, scaling with AP. But if you’re able to survive the punches and whittle him down in the process, he’ll take on his next form, gaining a large shield, increased Attack Speed, Omnivamp, and mana. That mana helps him cast his ability faster, which briefly grants Kobuko Durability before he picks up a nearby foe, knocks them up, and finally slams them down along with nearby enemies, dealing a portion of the target’s max Health to all enemies hit.

STREET DEMON (3/5/7/10)

  • Dr. Mundo 1G Bruiser, Slayer

  • Zyra 1G Techie

  • Ekko 2G Strategist

  • Jinx 3G Marksman

  • Rengar 3G Executioner

  • Brand 4G Techie

  • Neeko 4G Strategist 

  • Samira 5G A.M.P.

Time to paint the streets blue—wait, that was last set—in Cyber City, you can paint the streets whatever color you want. Street Demons tag hexes on your board, which will take different formations from game to game. Placing an ally in a painted hex grants them HP, AP, and AD, with Street Demons gaining double. Some hexes will be extra pretty Signature hexes, granting even more stats. As you master the art of the can, and increase Street Demon trait breakpoints, you’ll get even more stats, with Street Demon (10) covering your entire board!

The Legendary unit for Street Demon is Samira, whose Demon Trigger ability has her dash towards her target, firing bullets split between nearby enemies. Each bullet will shred armor and deal physical damage, and she’ll get more bullets to fire when you field more A.M.P. units—more on this in a second. Although her daredevil instincts have her diving into the fray, when she’s done spraying her foes with bullets, she’ll dash back to safety with a final barrage of bullets. And since she’s likely to get hit a few times in all this, she’ll also gain Omnivamp and become Unstoppable during the ability’s duration. 

A.M.P. (3/5/7/10)

A.M.P. is a new Class trait (not an Origin like we usually cover in these), but it’s got a novel output that’s worth getting amped about. A.M.P. champions upgrade their abilities in unique ways that scale with their trait breakpoint, but they’ll also gain a bit of Health as well. Let’s see just how their abilities scale with the trait and check out who’s excited to charge into your board.

  • Nidalee 1G Nitro
    • Increase the number of targets for her lightning bounces on her Charged Claws ability. 
  • Naafiri 2G Exotech
    • Increases the number of packmate Alphas that strike the target.
  • Yuumi 3G Anima Squad, Strategist
    • Increases the amount of passive Mana Yuumi gains each second.
  • Annie 4G Golden Ox
    • Increases the number of mini fireballs she tosses and the strength of Tibbers.
  • Samira 5G Street Demon
    • Increases the number of bullets she fires during Demon Trigger.

ANIMA SQUAD (3/5/7/10)

  • Seraphine 1G Techie

  • Sylas 1G Vanguard

  • Illaoi 2G Bastion

  • Vayne 2G Slayer

  • Yuumi 3G A.M.P., Strategist

  • Leona 4G Vanguard

  • Xayah 4G Marksman

  • Aurora 5G Dynamo

Swarm-heads, this next one’s for you. At each breakpoint, you’ll be able to add another weapon to your arsenal. These weapons randomly fire from Anima squaddies periodically during combat. To keep the squad topped off, they’ll also gain Armor and Magic Resist, and to keep them popping off, they’ll also gain damage amp. 

Let’s check out some of the weapons available. This list is just a few, with each breakpoint giving you the chance to pick one of three increasingly stronger options. Anima Squad (10) will only have two options, but what may lack in variety certainly compensates in power!

(3) Blade-o-rang: Throw a returning Blade-o-rang that deals physical damage, increased for the first target hit.

(3) UwU Blasters: Fire a big series of bullets dealing physical damage.

(5) Searing Shortbow: Fires an arrow that leaves an area that deals magic damage over time.

(7) The Annihilator: Deal percent max Health true damage once. 

(7) Tornadoes: Spawn a whirl of Tornadoes dealing magic damage. 

(10) Cyber City Transit: Summon several trains that run through the fight, dealing devastating damage and carrying away low health enemies… next stop, the grey screen. 

(10) Surprise Supply Drop: Call in a support ship that drops powerful goodies onto the battlefield.

All weapons scale with Anima Squad total star level and stage.

Aurora is hopping into TFT for her first time as the 5-cost of Anima Squad. Aurora's ability has her swap places with the left-most champion on your bench. While that champion gains Attack Speed, Aurora will then swap to hitting the most enemies in a line on each of her casts. Until her swapped ally dies, she’ll remain bouncing around and casting her damaging linear ability. And one more thing before you try it, Aurora cannot swap places with another Aurora.

CYPHER (3/4/5)

  • Vi 1G Vanguard

  • LeBlanc 2G Strategist

  • Draven 3G Rapidfire

  • Galio 3G Bastion

  • Zed 4G Rapidfire

Ready to risk it all and get out just before your HP strikes 0 and the clock hits round 3-3, 3-7, 4-3, or 4-7?  Look no further than Cypher…wait, where’d they go? Cypher is a more traditional cashout trait, with a fresh twist. As you lose combat, you’ll collect Intel—more for loss streaks, and just a tad more for each enemy kill. But here’s the catch: you can only trade that Intel for a powerful cashout one time, and that can only be on round 3-3, 3-7, 4-3, or 4-7. After that, get ready to put that intel to good use because while Cypher champions gain Attack Damage and Ability Power after you cash out, your cashout will likely have you flexing into powerful late-game champions and synergies with an array of Spatulas, Frying Pans, 5-costs, Radiant Items, and more!

If you want to control the world, control the source of Intel—where will yours lead you?

DIVINICORP (1/2/3/4/5/6/7)

A corporation does not feel. The individuals do, but at Divinicorp, they did away with “feelings” long ago—they got in the way of profits. Divinicorp's formidable resources and malevolent agenda will grant your team unique stats, increasing when more of the corporation is in command (on your board). Call it vesting options, revenue-share, or just trait synergy, Divinicorps will gain double the bonuses from their trait. And with that, let’s meet the roster that’s cutting costs like it’s your opponent's HP…cause it is.

  • Morgana 1G Dynamo
    • Divinicorp bonus: AP
  • Rhaast 2G Vanguard
    • Divinicorp bonus: Armor
  • Gragas 3G Bruiser
    • Divinicorp bonus: Health
  • Senna 3G Slayer
    • Divinicorp bonus: AD
  • Vex 4G Executioner
    • Divinicorp bonus: Critical Strike Chance
  • Renekton 5G Overlord, Bastion
    • Divinicorp bonus: Attack Speed
  • Divinicorp Emblem bonus: Omnivamp

For those who remember Heavenly from Inkborn Fables or Guild from Dragonlands, Divinicorp brings the same custom-splash, or run the full vertical strategies to how you build your comps. Need a bit of AD/AS for your Marksman carries? Try adding Senna and Renekton! Is the lobby heavy in physical damage? Throw in Rhaast and Gragas to give you the defense you need. 

At the helm of the corp is the corpodile, Renekton, trying to scale up his company (and himself) with combat stats. One of the ways he does so is with his Legendary trait, Overlord, allowing him to take a bite out of the unit in the hex behind him, dealing a percentage of their max Health as true damage and gaining that percentage of their HP and a portion of their AD in the process. The extra AD comes in handy with his ability, which on first cast has him deal damage to enemies within two hexes, Burning and Wounding them, as well as giving him max Health. During Renekton’s ascension, his attacks strike twice and he can dash to new targets. Once he casts again in this mode, his attacks will strike thrice, but he’ll cap out there. Give this double- and triple-striking champ some Attack Speed or on-hit effects from things like Wit’s End and he’ll defy all Crocodylia idioms… It’s hard to see someone later, or in a while, after you’ve removed them from the game. 

EXOTECH (3/5/7/10)

  • Jax 1G Bastion
  • Jhin 2G Dynamo, Marksman
  • Naafiri 2G A.M.P.
  • Mordekaiser 3G Bruiser, Techie
  • Varus 3G Executioner
  • Sejuani 4G Bastion
  • Zeri 4G Rapidfire

Exotech is all about the loot. Activating the trait grants unique items that can only be equipped by Exotech champions. The exact items you receive will differ from game to game and have best-case users for them in the tooltip—but feel free to get creative. In addition to the shiny Exotech items they get, Exotech units will also gain Health and Attack Speed for each item (Exotech or otherwise) equipped. As you increase from (3) to (5), (7), and finally, if you’re very lucky, (10) Exotech, you’ll get 1, 2, 3, and ALL the Exotech items, respectively.

And just what are those items? Well, let’s check out a few examples, but do note exact numbers may change as we enter PBE and beyond:

  • Repulsor Lantern, 500 HP, Best users: Mordekaiser, Sejuani, and Jax
    • Gain 5% Health. Every few seconds, deal a portion of your max Health as magic damage to nearby enemies.
  • Corrupted Chassis, 200 HP, Best Users: Jax, Sejuani, and especially Mordekaiser
    • All Shields are more effective on the holder. Every few seconds, siphon a portion of the owner’s max Health and convert it to a shield that lasts a few seconds. This item will effectively turn your HP into much more, but beware of the Guardbreakers and try to combo this with Redemption and Gargoyles for maximum tanking!
  • Holobow, 15 Mana, 20 AP, 15% AS, Best Users: Jhin, Zeri, and especially Varus
    • Attacks that Critically Strike grant 2 bonus Mana. After casting, gain 40% Critical Strike Chance for 5 seconds.
  • Pulse Stabilizer, 25 AD, 35% Critical Strike, Best Users: Zeri and Jhin
    • Execute enemies below 12% Health. Abilities can critically strike. If the holder’s abilities can already critically strike, gain 10% Critical Strike Damage instead. Comes with an execution tracker and shiny red accents.

GOLDEN OX (2/4/6) 

  • Alistar 1G Bruiser

  • Graves 2G Executioner

  • Jarvan IV 3G

  • Annie 4G A.M.P.

  • Aphelios 4G Marksman

  • Viego 5G Soul Killer

Econ, roll down, get stronger, repeat. Golden Ox champs gain Damage Amp and have a chance to drop gold on kill. If you spend a certain amount of gold on rerolls or XP in a single turn, their Damage Amp will permanently increase, but the gold required for the next bonus will also go up. Reroll players rejoice; rerolls count double towards gold spent. At (6) Golden Ox, you’ll also have a chance to acquire loot. 

Getting that paper isn’t the only thing on the agenda for Golden Oxers. The leader of their crew, Viego, is also in the market for souls. Viego uses his Holoblade as he dives into the largest clump of enemies, dealing magic damage and shredding (reducing their Magic Resistance) them briefly. As units (foes and acquaintances of mutual gain) die, Viego will absorb their soul, healing a portion of his Health so he can get to “freeing” even more souls. 

What makes this shirtless sword wielder different from the rest of them (there’re a lot, we know) is his rippling abs—wait, that’s not right, it’s his ability to gain a hologram copy of the highest-cost enemy he helped kill last round. That copy will have a set amount of health and deal reduced damage, but it will come with a recommended item. And as you star up Viego, the Hologram will get stronger as well!


Tip the scales in the back alleys of Cyber City, and tip your hat with the defeat you deal. Assembling this shady bunch grants you a Kingpin hat that uniquely upgrades a Syndicate champion's ability. As you go from (3) to (5) Syndicate, you’ll get another hat, to mix and match for style, or optimizing the power of your team—likely the latter. Syndicate champions will also gain Health, increasing at each breakpoint, and if you manage to get to (7) Syndicate, their Kingpin effects will be upgraded. Let’s meet the roster and check out how each is brimming with power—no cap—I mean with a cap.

  • Shaco 1G Slayer
    • Kingpin bonus: Teleport behind the lowest Health enemy within 4 hexes and deal bonus physical damage.
    • (7) Syndicate bonus: If this kills, immediately cast again with slightly reduced damage.
  • Darius 2G Bruiser
    • Kingpin bonus: Increase Ability range. Damage is reduced by each hex away from Darius.
    • (7) Syndicate bonus: Even more range!
  • Twisted Fate 2G Rapidfire
    • Kingpin bonus: Throw a random special card at the current target that deals magic damage. Red explodes in an area, Blue deals true damage, Yellow grants gold.
    • (7) Syndicate bonus: Throw all three special cards at three nearby enemies.
  • Braum 3G Vanguard
    • Kingpin bonus: Gain Armor and Magic Resist. Every few seconds, Braum's next attack deals damage scaling with his Armor and Magic Resist.
    • (7) Syndicate bonus: More Armor/Magic Resist. More frequent enhanced attacks.
  • Miss Fortune 4G Dynamo
    • Kingpin bonus: Fire 3 more waves.
    • (7) Syndicate bonus: Bullets pierce enemies for slightly reduced damage.

NITRO (3/4)

  • Kindred 1G Rapidire, Marksman

  • Nidalee 1G A.M.P.

  • Shyvana 2G Bastion, Techie

  • Elise 3G Dynamo

Nitro assemble! Nitro champions grant Chrome to their R-080T based on their star level. If you gather enough Chrome (200), your little R-080T will upgrade to T-43X (T-Hex), complete with LASER BEAMS at (4) Nitro!

Nitro is a small splash summon that should be played as a reroll comp to maximize the power of your bot. An upgraded T-43X helps the comp scale into the late game even when behind in levels. Of note in the comp is the trait’s tank, Shyvana, who can continually gain max Health and Damage Amp with every cast as she burns through and burns out your opponents’ damage—Redemption and Archangel’s are both viable build paths. 


Finally, we have two Threat-like 5-costs entering Cyber City: Garen, and Zac. While there are a lot of flexible 5-costs in this set (Kobuko and 1 Bruiser create a frontline, Aurora plus any Dynamo create Mana regen for your team), we use Threat-like (originally from Monsters Attack!) to describe Legendary units that don’t have specific Origin-based comps to slot into. Instead, they can be flexibly splashed into just about any comp.

Speaking of flexible trait webs, Garen’s something of a trait web expert himself. His God of the Net trait allows him to open an Armory of Trait Mods that permanently reprogram a champion to benefit from a trait (but not contribute) after two-player combats. Every time you upgrade a unit with a Trait Mod, the next one requires one additional round. Champions can only have one additional Trait Mod, so choose wisely to turn that Vanguard frontliner also into a Bastion or see just how much damage a Marksman with Rapidfire can pump out. 

Not only is he flushing out your trait synergies, he’s also a reliable front-liner that gains a shield, slams his sword into his current target, and then fires out a wave that deals physical damage to enemies hit. And if it hits two or fewer enemies, he’ll gain a bunch of Mana to do so again, just sooner.


Of course, we save the best, or at least the bounciest, 5-cost for last. Slot Zac in and prepare to deal with pop-up ads, as he’ll infect your shop with a chance to spawn bloblets. These are free mini-Zacs that are totally safe to click, just not for your enemies. They’ll empower Zac, increasing his max Health and giving him a bit of Ability Power. 

Whether you’re running the latest anti-malware or not, Zac’s hard to take out. As soon as you get him down to low Health, he’ll split into two even healthier copies (don’t worry they won’t split again…or will they? They won’t.). All that, and we haven’t even gotten to his ability, where he puts that big blobbiness (Health and AP) to disruptive use. Upon casting, Zac bounces on nearby enemies, dealing damage, scaling both with his HP and AP, and stunning them briefly. He’ll also heal a bit, scaling with AP, in the process.

And with that, it’s time to bounce out to the outro. 

From the bullet heaven of Anima Squad to the shady dealings of Syndicate, Cyber City is packed full of ways to assemble your crew and take control. But even though that was a lot to cover, it’s only scratching the surface—there’s a whole lot more traits, champs, Augments, and Hacks (our new mechanic) to discover alongside the release of Cyber City with patch 14.1 on April 2nd!