Festival of Beasts
Come! Gather ‘round, this cannot wait!
Before us winds the tale of Fates.
We’ve portaled through both space and time—
To where? We’ll tell you! (With a rhyme.)
City of music, lights, and feasts.
Behold! The Festival of Beasts!
Legends blue, red, big, and small
Can come experience it all:
Souls and Slayers and even Blacksmiths
Show off their awe-inspiring gifts,
And as the crowd bops to sick beats,
Daredevils risk outrageous feats.
There’s goodies for all, handmade by Ornn,
And sparklers that spook Furyhorns.
Dumplings galore, and oodles and oodles
Of Choncc and Shisa’s flame-fried noodles.
So much to see! So much to do!
The only thing that’s missing? You!
So to this New Year’s celebration,
Consider this your invitation.
The party starts soon! Discover more highlights on social before Festival of Beasts releases with patch 11.2.