Teamfight Tactics patch 13.12 notes
Welcome to our new set, Runeterra Reforged!
Welcome to Runeterra Reforged!
Runeterra Reforged brings all new units and traits, cosmetics, and mechanic updates as we return to a Runeterra ravaged by a Convergence storm the size of Cho’Gath’s feet—wait, bigger… much bigger. But if you didn’t click on the feet link, I don’t blame you—do be sure to check out our new set’s cinematic, My Honeyfruit!
As for these notes, we’re going to start with cosmetics at the top, then we’ll work our way through the changing and returning systems near the end. As with all new set releases, I’m not going to get into every new trait, champion ability, or Force = Mass (Acceleration) equation of Sion smashing through fences—watch the cinematic for that one. We’ve also got third party friends for all the ins and outs of Champion abilities, traits, Augments, Region Portals, and Legends. For now, I will discuss the changes sticking around from the past sets.
I don’t usually get all emotional in these intros—I keep 'em short and include jokes about feet. But on behalf of the entire TFT team, we’d like to thank you for playing and supporting us while we do our best to make each set as awesome as it can possibly be.

Nobody messes with Choncc’s prize-winning Honeyfruit. Not even Sion. Check out the Runeterra Reforged cinematic!
The best place to check out our cosmetics is in game, but the second best place is the link here!
Runeterra may be fragmented and fused into new shapes and locations, but our Pass still remains a map to track your progress in the new set! And getting the Pass+ will grant access to the full map and all the things! Things like: arenas based on mashed-up Runeterra regions, Star Shards, the Reckoner Arena, and a whole boatload of additional Treasure Tokens! The Pass+ can be unlocked for 1295 RP, but as always, you don’t have to decide right away. You can upgrade to the Pass+ later, and retroactively receive everything you would have unlocked with the Pass+ active. Check out the below images for a peek at some of the content.
At the end of the Pass+ you’ll arrive at the Reckoner Arena, allowing you to celebrate your victories with the roar of Noxian fans—just be careful not to burn out! In addition to the Reckoner Arena, you'll get three different regional mashup arenas! Check out Fields of Justice, Sands of Shurima, and Touch of the Void below!
Now that we’ve seen where you can play, let’s see who you can play as with the Pass+. Simply embarking on your Pass journey through Runeterra Reforged rewards you with the Potion Sprite—the perfect Tactician to bring along in the laning phase! And now that you’ve got your boots on and your Potion Sprite handy, let’s meet our Pass+ Little Legend, Tower Defense Runespirit, who you’ll gradually star up like the ramping damage during a tower dive—yeah, I play League, what’s up?
Finally, you’ll earn our region-inspired Booms: Judgment of Durand, Noxian Handshake, Praise the Sun Disc, and Void Gate! A warning to all explorers, praising the Sun Disc can result in some serious burns, but maybe you’ll stumble upon a chunk of the Freljord and find some ice for them?
Loosely inspired by the battlefields of Ionia, the Shrine of the First Lands is our new Mythic Arena that will honor each of your victories with a new falling sword. The Shrine of the First Lands will be available as Star Content via Treasure Realms. To learn more about Treasure Realms, click here.
Who better to explore Runeterra Reforged than our swiftest Bandle Scout, Chibi Teemo? You can recruit Chibi Teemo directly from the shop for 1900 RP and he’ll come with his signature Boom, Noxious Trap. You can also equip that Boom to other Tacticians if they’re ready to lob a heroic amount of mushrooms into their foes’ faces.
If maniacal mischief is something you wish, then set your foes’ boards on fire with brimstone and madness! Chibi Little Devil Teemo is a Star Content drop from Treasure Realms, whose finisher confirms everything they say about Teemo…the fear is palpable.
As a cosmetic release, Poro is kinda like Baron from Monsters Attack!, in that they are neither a Little Legend nor a Chibi. Their base variant will be available for 2500 RP directly from the store.
One thing to note about Poro: they’ll have a special interaction with the Poros on the Howling Abyss if you take them with you for an ARAM game.
Poro’s other variants can be found scattered across Runeterra, or via Treasure Realms. Check out Red-Nosed Poro, Po’Ro, Forgefire Poro, and Valiant Poro below!
Too cute to smite and too goofy to fight, every AOE Jungler’s favorite camp has made its way into TFT with 5 different variants. You can pick up the rare variants directly from the store for 750 RP and the Epic variants for 925 RP. Check out the following below: Raptors (base), Extra Spicy Raptors (Rare), Shuriman Raptors (Rare), Tucan Raptors (Epic), Koi Raptors (Epic), and Murder of Raptors (Legendary).
Khat’Sai is the perfect Void kitten to add to your collection—mostly because I don’t know of any other Void kittens (petting this one seems… slimy). You can pick up the rare variants directly from the store for 750 RP and the Epic variants for 925 RP. Check out the following below: Khat'Sai (base), Kraken Khat'Sai (Rare), Sugarcone Khat'Sai (Rare), Petricite Khat'Sai (Epic), and Cosmic Khat'Sai (Epic).
The Monsters are done Attacking, and I hear some even became defenders of Spatulopolis by the end of it all. So, let’s acknowledge your success in defending (or destroying) Spatulopolis with a whole lot of ranked rewards to distribute throughout patch 13.12, the release patch of Runeterra Reforged!
First off, if you placed Gold or higher in Glitched Out!! (the second half of the set) then you’ll get a celebratory emote to represent your rank!
Do I sense a flutter of excitement? If you placed Gold or higher at any stage of the set, then you’ll receive the Victorious Flutterbug Little Legend. And if you manage to get Gold or higher during both halves of the set, you’ll get Triumphant Flutterbug as well!
And for those of you starring up Threats as a team, if you obtained Double Up Gold or higher, then you’ll get the following emotes to celebrate with your partner(s)!
Finally, if you finish Green, Blue, Purple, or Hyper tier in Hyper Roll, then you’ll get another emote to flex with, too!
Lastly, we’ll have Birthday Surprise Fuwa to celebrate us turning Fuwa years old. They’ll be coming later with our release patch of Runeterra Reforged. Keep an eye out for them as they’ll be available via a rather easy mission.
- When Runeterra Reforged goes live in your region, you'll be able to start climbing the ladder in this set's first ranked stage.
- Depending on your rank in the previous season, you will start anywhere from Iron II to Bronze IV. This is true for both Double Up and Standard ranked.
- You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top 4 placements in your first 5 ranked games of the new stage. You'll also gain extra LP for finishing top 4, so best of luck!
- Your Hyper rating will be reset to 500.
New set, new systems and a chance to update existing ones!
Vote on where each match takes place with Region Portals at the game's start, changing the rules and mechanics for the whole lobby to adapt to.
- Vote for one of three Region Portals that alter the game’s rules
- There are 30 Region Portals in total, but some may appear more frequently than others
- Voting for a Region Portal isn’t a winner-takes-all situation. Instead, all votes will be weighted equally, and a Portal will be selected from amongst them at random, with your votes influencing the probability for each Portal.
- For more information on Region Portals you can visit any of our 3rd party friends (later), or check out our mechanics article.
They never die. They become a part of you. Every time you select them in the pregame screen.
- Pick from amongst 15 unique Legends, each representing a different playstyle, before the game starts (similar to how you would swap out your Tactician).
- Legends will influence the leftmost of your three Augment offerings.
- The first (Stage 2-1) Legend Augment will be of equal power to Augments of the same tier (Silver, Gold, Prismatic), the second and third (Stage 3-2 and 4-2) Augment offerings will be slightly weaker than Augments of their same tier.
- Each Augment can be rerolled individually!
New econ Augments and Portals that infuse boards with additional gold have inflation hitting the Convergence. During the first half of PBE, we saw top four boards be dominated entirely by Legendary units, so we added this change proactively to let all playstyles thrive while keeping the power of Legendary units—dare I say—Legendary.
- Level 6: 20 ⇒ 24 XP
- Level 7: 36 ⇒ 40 XP
- Level 8: 56 ⇒ 60 XP
- Level 9: 80 ⇒ 84 XP
In addition to hitting XP, we’re making power leveling strategies a bit more risky by ramping up the base player damage during Stage 4.
- Base Stage 4 Damage: 4 ⇒ 5
It’s been a long time since we adjusted the URF Overtime buff which grants Attack Speed, AP, reduced CC duration, healing/shielding reduction, and increased affection towards marine mammals. With these changes, we’re giving Melee and AD carries the moment (up to 15 seconds of it) they deserve.
- Units now gain movement speed in overtime.
- Units gain 1.5x Attack Damage in overtime.
Similar to how we buffed 3-star 5 costs in Glitched Out!! by giving them an additional 4000 Health, we want to make sure hitting 3-star 4 costs is also worth how difficult they are to hit. They’ll be much harder to hit with some of our XP changes, but the additional econ from new Region Portals and Augments should help out.
- 3-Star Four Costs now all gain 500 Health
You gotta see it to believe it!
Any time you inspect a champion, a new menu will appear on the right with the following information:
- New Inspect Panel shows Ability, Recommended Positioning, Range, Current Items, Item Role Tags (what items make sense on similar champions), Stats, and a Quick Sell button
This is especially useful at the start of a set, and works for inspecting Emblems as well!
- You can now click an icon above units on the Carousel to open up the inspect panel. Huzzah!
You don’t have to be a lore pro to be in-the-know with Runeterra Reforged!
- You can now inspect individual champions in a trait to see their traits.
- You can also use this to inspect recipes for buildable trait Emblems
Making sure the tooltips give you the best tips.
- Tooltips now show symbols to annotate scaling. These symbols are also color coded!
- This applies to abilities, traits, and more
- Champion abilities will have a simple description of the ability, and a line with all the detailed math
Large, like the list of comps to get you started in our gameplay overview.
We rely on our 3rd party friends to provide more detailed information on the specific traits, champions, and Augments coming with Runeterra Reforged just like we do with every initial set release.
Additionally, we’re making policy updates to our developer API policy with this set release. Specifically, we’re rolling out two changes - with the release of Runeterra Reforged, 3rd party sites will not be allowed to share any data around Legend win rates. Next, by July 19, 2023, 3rd party sites will no longer be allowed to expose win rates for specific Augments at each stage.
We’ve seen an increasing number of sites showing data on win rates for Augments at each stage. We’re huge fans of community-developed comp guides, discussion, and debate, including Augment recommendations, but we feel that relying on win rates to make decisions at these crucial stages is unhealthy for TFT overall. It discourages player choice, but more importantly it causes players to inadvertently ignore potential paths to victory or an exciting new combination, and trade it off with what is statistically "the best" option. This also has a downstream effect of leading a number of players in the same lobby to target the exact same comps, resulting in a less organic, diverse gameplay experience across the board.
We expect this change is to encourage deeper experimentation and flex gameplay of TFT, which is a core pillar of our design philosophy. While we’ve significantly grown our live balance team over the past year, we know at the end of the day, a meta will always develop, but we want that to happen naturally over time as the community gets to explore that together every set and every patch.
We’ll continue to provide info through our API and allow sites to showcase the most popular comps, positioning guides, and item / Augment recommendations, which allows players to have a healthy base to build from as they learn and become comfortable with a new set or the game itself. However, as a design team we strongly believe the strength of TFT is about developing and creating your own strategies, or building them with the community, and this change is aimed at encouraging that while still giving players plenty of avenues (including our in-client Team Builder!) to prepare themselves ahead of time if they’re not fans of flex. We’ve spent a lot of time on Runeterra Reforged already, and we’re excited to see what new comps & strategies emerge once it hits live!
If you haven’t heard yet, we’re refreshing about 90% of our Augment Roster. So here’s what’s sticking around: 36 of our greatest hits! And then we went ahead and made 240 new Augments cause uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
- Salvage Bin (and Salvage Bin+)
- March of Progress
- Portable Forge
- Binary Airdrop
- Recombobulator
- Jeweled Lotus
- Double Trouble II
- Double Trouble III
- Think Fast
- Cruel Pact
- Pandora’s Bench
- Three’s Company
- Living Forge
- Last Stand
- Rich Get Richer
- Rich Get Richer +
- Lucky Gloves
- Scoped Weapons
- Birthday Presents
- Ancient Archives
- Ancient Archives II
- Built Different II
- Built Different III
- Golden Ticket
- Metabolic Accelerator
- Pandora’s Items
- Level Up!
- Consistency
- Late Game Specialist
- Hustler
- Tiny Titans
- Radiant Relics
- Cursed Crown
- The Golden Egg
Region Portals and more econ Augments have infused Runeterra Reforged with more economic power overall. As a result we’re lowering the gold/XP Augment power as they tend to have high synergy with the accelerated econ of the set.
Built Different is a bit easier to pull off now that we don’t have Threat champions (who didn’t benefit from the Augment) diluting your pool of options. As a result we’re lowering its power across with Health and AS nerfs.
- Ancient Archives I Gold 4 ⇒ 2
- Built Different II Health: 190-355 ⇒ 175-340
- Built Different II AS: 40-70 ⇒ 35-65
- Jeweled Lotus Critical strike chance: 15% ⇒ 10%
- Rich Get Richer initial Gold: 12 ⇒ 11
- Rich get Richer + initial Gold: 20 ⇒ 18
- Ancient Archives II Gold 8 ⇒ 3
- Built Different III Health: 250-600 ⇒ 240-570
- Built Different III AS: 45-80 ⇒ 40-75
- Cruel Pact Health to buy XP 6 ⇒ 5
- Cruel Pact Heal per round 3 ⇒ 2
- Level Up! initial XP: 11 ⇒ 4
- March of Progress Grants XP immediately: 4 ⇒ 8
Guardbreaker left Monsters Attack! as one of the most useful items due to the broad stats it provides and its synergy with Infinity Edge or Jeweled Gauntlet. As we enter a set with abundant shields we’re pulling back on some of the item’s ability to counter them. Let Targon comps thrive!
Spear of Shojin's every 3rd attack passive was unnecessarily confusing and led to some weird power breakpoints that made it great on some champions and not-so-great on others. With this QOL change we expect it to be less niche to the Syndra and MF’s of yesterset’s past.
- Guardbreaker Damage amp: 30 ⇒ 25
- Spear of Shojin: every 3rd attack restores 20 additional Mana ⇒ Attacks restore 5 additional Mana
- Elder Dragon now grants an Item Anvil instead of a random item
With the return of Shimmerscale items via the Gold Augment, All that Shimmers, we’ve done a balance pass to ensure these econ items are on par with the power of a Gold Augment—go get that gold!
Rocket Propelled Hook (Blitz hook) is gone from the pool of Ornn items. No more having to constantly reposition to avoid the hook. In its stead are 5 new fun and wild Ornn items!
- Radiant Spear of Shojin: Every 3rd attack restores 40 additional Mana ⇒ Attacks restore 8 additional Mana
- NEW: Ornn, Blacksmith’s Gloves: Each round, equip 2 random temporary Ornn Artifacts.
- NEW: Ornn, Hullcrusher: Grants 30 Armor, 30 Magic Resist, 30% Attack Speed
- NEW: Ornn, Hullcrusher at combat start: If there are no adjacent allies, gain an additional 600 Health.
- NEW: Ornn, Deathfire Grasp: Grants 50 Ability Power, 30 Mana
- NEW: Ornn, Deathfire Grasp at combat Start: Fire a blast of energy at the current target, marking them and dealing 20% of their maximum Health as magic damage. For the next 6 seconds, the holder deals 50% increased damage to the marked enemy and 25% increased damage to other enemies.
- NEW: Ornn, Sniper’s Focus: Grants 15% Attack Damage, 15 Ability Power, 40% Attack Speed
- NEW: Ornn, Sniper’s Focus: Attacks and Abilities deal 10% increased damage for each hex between the holder and their target.
- NEW: Ornn, Trickster’s Glass: Grants 15 Armor, 15 Magic Resist, 15% Attack Speed, 15% Critical Strike Chance
- NEW: Ornn, Trickster’s Glass: Summon a clone with 70% maximum Health and 20% increased maximum Mana. You cannot equip items to the clone.
- Ornn, Eternal Winter now slows by 30% instead of 20%.
- Ornn, Rocket-Propelled Fist has been removed.
- Shimmerscale items now display how much gold they’ve generated
- Shimmerscale, Determined Investor Gold Granted at Cashout: 15 ⇒ 10
- Shimmerscale, Diamond Hands HP: 200 ⇒ 400
- Shimmerscale, Diamond Hands AP: 20 ⇒ 30
- Shimmerscale, Diamond Hands Gold Per Proc: 1 ⇒ 2
- Shimmerscale, Diamond Hands Immunity Time: 1 ⇒ 1.5 sec
- Shimmerscale, Diamond Hands HP Thresholds for immunity: 66/33% ⇒ 50%
- Shimmerscale, Draven’s Axe Base AD: 5% ⇒ 10%
- Shimmerscale, Draven’s Axe Base AS: 5% ⇒ 10%
- Shimmerscale, Draven’s Axe Gold per cashout: 5g ⇒ 10g
- Shimmerscale, Draven’s Axe Component cashout: 1 ⇒ 0
- Shimmerscale, Draven’s Axe Gold Limit: 80 ⇒ 60
- Shimmerscale, Gambler’s Blade Base AS: 10% ⇒ 20%
- Shimmerscale, Gambler’s Blade Base AP: 10 ⇒ 20
- Shimmerscale, Gambler’s Blade Gold Limit: 80 ⇒ 60
- Shimmerscale, Goldmancer’s Staff Gold Limit: 80 ⇒ 60
- Shimmerscale, Heart of Gold HP 750 ⇒ 500
- Shimmerscale, Heart of Gold Gold Limit: 80 ⇒ 60
- Shimmerscale, Mogul’s Mail HP 500 ⇒ 350
- Shimmerscale items have had their Hyper Roll versions adjusted to match base stats. They still use their old 15 gold cap values from Dragonlands