TFT Ranked Rewards Update

We're bringing a new reward for placing Gold or better in Galaxies Stage II.

TL;DR- We're adding an additional Victorious Little Legend for placing Gold or higher in at least one stage of Galaxies Ranked.

Hey folks,

We discovered a problem with how our current Ranked system rewards Victorious Little Legends. As a reminder, right now players have to get Gold or higher in BOTH Ranked stages in order to receive a Victorious Little Legend at the end of the set. This means that those of you who didn't reach Gold in the first stage are now missing a key motivation to play Ranked in the second stage—no matter how well you rank from here on out, you can't win a Victorious Little Legend under the current rewards system.

While we want to reward consistent performance throughout a set, there should always be something cool to look forward to at the end of a Ranked stage. We certainly don't want to deter anyone from playing more competitive game modes.

So, there will now be two variants of the same Victorious Little Legend for Galaxies: one for achieving Gold or higher in a single stage and one for achieving Gold or higher in BOTH stages. They will be distributed shortly after the end of the Galaxies set (within a patch or two).

In summary, if you didn’t get to Gold in the first half of Galaxies, don’t worry—you still have a chance to earn a Victorious Little Legend! So, hit that Ranked queue and start climbing!