Set 13 APAC Esports: Everything You Need to Know
Introducing the APAC TFT Esports Tournament Structure

Ladder Snapshots: Players can advance through their region's Ranked Ladder to qualify directly for Tactician’s Cups, providing a pathway to competitive success. The snapshot awards scores to the top 50 players on each server at 10 PM on the specified Tuesday.
Week 1: 12/31
Week 2: 1/7
Week 3: 1/21
Week 4: 1/28
Week 5: 2/4
Week 6: 2/18
The minimum requirement to earn points during each snapshot period is to play at least 14 games.
From Week 3, SG/PH/TH will share the ladder snapshot table
Tactician Trials: These pan-regional 2-day Tactician Trial competitions bring together the top 112 players from APAC / Korea / Vietnam ladder rankings with the best players progressing to the Tactician’s Cups.
Trials I Rank Lock: 1/5 10PM Local Time
Trials II Rank Lock: 2/2 10PM Local Time
Tactician’s Cups: The next stop are the two Tactician’s Cups which see three days of battling before a champion is crowned and the top players move on to compete in the epic Golden Spatula showdown.
Golden Spatula (Pan-Regional Finals): The pinnacle of the pan-regional competition, where the top 32 players from each region’s Tactician’s Cups and Ladder performances battle it out for the chance to showcase their skills on the global stage at the Tactician’s Crown!

Major Changes for Set 13
In Set 13, while there are no significant changes compared to previous sets, a few key updates have been introduced to strengthen regional health and stability.
Ladder Requirement Update: Minimum required ladder games increased from 10 to 14.
- Trials Restructuring
- Adjust APAC, KR, and VN Trials format to accommodate 112 participants, with 28 progressing to Tactician’s Cup.
- To elevate the importance of Trials, we have adjusted the Cup tournament's seed allocation between the ladder and Trials in favor of Trials.
- To provide the same competitive environment as the Cup, GS, and TC, a 50% cut will be applied on both Day 1 and Day 2.
- Adjust APAC, KR, and VN Trials format to accommodate 112 participants, with 28 progressing to Tactician’s Cup.
- 2 Tactician’s Cups: As we are focusing on the TFT Macao Open in the first Set 13 month, we will be hosting two cups and trials.
- Top 4 Advancement: The top 4 players of each cup will guarantee their spot in the next tournament (Cup 1 ➔ Cup 2, Cup 2 ➔ GS).
- Prize Pool Change: Focusing more on rewards for top-ranking players
- Rewarding Top 16 players in Tactician’s Cup
- No change in APAC Golden Spatula
Detailed Tournament Information and Updates
For the latest updates and detailed information about the tournaments, please visit the APAC TFT Esports website. Here are some key dates and details to keep in mind:
First Tacticians Trials: Registration opens on 30 December. Players can register on the APAC TFT Esports website.
We can't wait to see the strategies, plays, and moments that will define Set 13 competitions! Whether you're a seasoned tactician or are new to the scene, the upcoming tournaments promise to be a thrilling ride. Mark your calendars, prepare your comps, and get ready to compete at the highest level.
Stay tuned for more updates, and we'll see you on the Convergence!