Game Updates

The definitive source on all updates coming to the game.
Game Updates
Spirit Blossom Sett Chibi Champion Showcase
He’s got all of eternity to pummel the competition! Get your reps in with Chibi Spirit Blossom Sett, now available in TFT.
Game Updates
Revival: The Return of Festival of Beasts
Celebrate the Lunar Festival with us as we bring back a beloved set from the past!
Game Updates
Fortune Favors the Hungry | Mini Cinematic
Chibi Mythmaker Zoe sends Chibi Prestige Porcelain Ezreal on a delicious quest during the new year.
Game Updates
Arcane Warwick Unbound Tactician Spotlight
Give chase and get a closer look at the next Unbound Champion in this new Tactician line.
Game Updates
How to Play Into the Arcane
Need some help navigating the basics of TFT’s latest set? Mort is here to walk you through ‘em.
Game Updates
Porcelain Irelia Chibi Champion Showcase
Chibi Porcelain Irelia is giving her sharpest performance yet for the TFT Macao Open!
Game Updates
A Practice in Perfection Mini Cinematic
Chibi Porcelain Irelia helps Pengu hone their technique in this striking show of steel.
Game Updates
Warwick Unbound Tactician Showcase
Watch Now.
Game Updates
Arcane Jinx Unbound Tactician Spotlight
Rise up and get a closer look at the first Unbound Champion in this new line of Tacticians.
Game Updates
Into the Arcane Set Trailer
TFT’s latest set, Into the Arcane, is live now!
Game Updates
Firelight Ekko Chibi Champion Showcase
Rally all the misfits and sumpsnipes! Chibi Firelight Ekko has hit the streets of the Convergence.
Game Updates
Chibi Prestige Arcane Superfan Annie Showcase
She’s ready to paint the town blue! Chibi Prestige Arcane Superfan Annie has arrived in TFT.