Teamfight Tactics patch 12.11 notes
Welcome to Dragonlands! Here you'll find new units, traits, mechanics, Tacticians, and— oh yeah, dragons!
Calling all Dragoneers and Dragonauts!
Welcome to the Dragonlands, a fantastic and diverse realm populated by Ancient Dragons, their followers, and those who balk in the scaled face of power! For these patch notes, I'll cover the system changes that will accompany our new set, but for a detailed breakdown on the new units and traits, cosmetics, or mechanics, click on the appropriate links. Alright, let's soar in with the cosmetics and new stuff at the top, and the changed/returning systems at the bottom. But before we take flight, make sure you check out our Dragonlands cinematic where Pengu and Choncc go back to school... dragon school!

Mid-Patch Updates
June 10th, Balance Changes
With the first week of Dragonlands unfolding, we’ve looked to the stars to divine just what is OP—turns out, it’s Astral.
- Nami Ebb and Flow Damage: 175/225/275 ⇒ 100/150/200
- Sylas Bugfix: Sylas is now mana-locked while his shield is active
- Varus Attack Speed: 0.75 ⇒ 0.7
- Varus Mana nerf: 60/120 ⇒ 75/150
Cheat Sheet

And here's a high quality version for my high quality readers (that's you btw).
Dragonlands Pass and More!
The best place to read about the new personalization content coming in Dragonlands is here, but the second best place is right here.
Dragonlands Pass
Just like all our Passes, the Dragonlands Pass gives you a bunch of free content as you play and collect XP, but if you upgrade to the Pass+ for 1295 RP/TC you'll have access to ALL the level rewards throughout the pass. And just like our Neon Nights Pass+, the Dragonlands Pass+ has an exclusive Arena, the Dragon Nursery, at the end! Check out the below images for a peek at some of the content.

In addition to the new tier 3, you'll get rewards only available for the most adventurous of Dragonlands' explorers! You'll be sure to find: tier 1 arenas, booms, Little Legend eggs, Star Shards, and Pass+ exclusive Little Legends.

Sanctuary Guardian's Chest
The Sanctuary Guardian's Chest (390 RP) can contain our new Mythic Little Legend, Choncc the Wise (5%) or the Sanctuary of the Ancient Mythic arena (guaranteed on or before the 61st box). The rest of the Chests contain Little Legends from sets prior to Dragonlands, excluding Little Legends that were only offered for a limited time.

Dragonlands Eggs
Our Dragonlands Eggs have a chance to drop our newest Chibi, Dragonmancer Yasuo, who is guaranteed to drop by the 37th egg. They're our first Chibi to have their own finisher, a cinematic animation that plays ONLY when you eliminate another player from the game—it's epic. Every egg that doesn't have Dragonmancer Yasuo, will instead contain one of our two new dragon Little Legends: Burno and Poggles!

Check out Burno's variants below: Burno, Flametongue Burno, Sugarcone Burno, Gnarly Burno, Burno the Brilliant, PROJECT: Burno
Check out Poggle's variants below: Poggles, Froggo Poggles, Honeybuzz Poggles, Flametongue Poggles, Deep Sea Poggles, Sugarcone Poggles
Chibi Yasuo
Dragonlands also brings another brand new Chibi to the mix! Chibi Yasuo's running it down the Convergence with the wind at their back and a loss streak to boot. But don't flame them, that 0/10 power spike is just good econ.
You can pick up Chibi Yasuo directly from the shop for 1900 RP/TC and they'll come with their signature boom, Steel Tempest, that you could equip to other Tacticians too if you really want to.

Dragonlands Bundles
Bundle | Contents | Price |
Dragonlands Starter Bundle | Dragonlands Pass+ Burno 1 Star Poggles 1 Star 100 Bonus Star Shard |
2420 RP/TC |
Sanctuary of the Ancient Bundle | Dragonlands Pass+ 25 Sanctuary Guardian's Chest Chibi Yasuo 5 Bonus Sanctuary Guardian's Chest |
12335 RP/TC |
TFT Dragonmancer Bundle | Dragonlands Pass+ 16 Dragonlands Eggs Chibi Yasuo 3 Bonus Dragonlands Eggs |
10425 RP/TC |
Ranked Rewards and More!
You can expect your Ranked rewards to come in during the SECOND patch of Dragonlands—this has been pushed back since last we spoke.
Standard Rewards
If you made it to Gold or higher in Neon Nights (the second half of G&G) then you'll get a celebratory emote to represent your rank!
If you placed Gold or higher at any stage of the set, then you'll get the Victorious Tocker Little Legend. And if you managed to get Gold or higher during both halves of the set, you'll get a rather charismatic Triumphant Tocker as well! Now that's something to Tock about.
Double Up Rewards
And for those of you getting nothing but top fours in Double Up, I must inform you that you'll need top twos to claim these rewards. If you obtained Double Up Green, Blue, Purple, or Double tier, then you'll get the following emotes to celebrate with your partner(s)!
Hyper Roll Rewards
If you played Hyper Roll and finished Green, Blue, Purple, or Hyper tier in then you'll get another emote to flex with! Now that's hype.
New Ranked Season
- When Dragonlands goes live in your region, you'll be able to start climbing the ladder in this set's first ranked stage.
- Everyone will start in Iron II.
- You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top 4 placements in your first 5 ranked games of the new stage. You'll also gain extra LP for finishing top 4, so best of luck!
- Your Hyper rating will be reset to 500
- Double Up now uses the metallic ranked system
- Your Double Up climb will start in Iron II
Large Changes
Large, like the wait time to get into Dragonlands PBE earlier this week. Shots fired Rito, come and get me.
3rd Party Friends
Even though these notes are long, we're still just brushing through the changes to the already existing system. So if you want more detailed information on the new stuff coming with Dragonlands check out a couple of our friends' sites:
System Changes
With Neeko joining the ranks of Dragonlands, we want to be kind to the casting community, content creators, and your favorite streamers by renaming Neeko's Help and avoiding the inevitable "Which Neeko is real Neeko?"
- Neeko's Help has been renamed to Champion Duplicator, with a brand new (still green) icon
- Tome of Traits & Champion Duplicators will drop slightly less often from PVE rounds
- Every item tooltip has been updated, including stat icons when appropriate, and consistent language.
- The Stage 5-6 PVE round will now only drop emblems if the trait is active.
- The Stage 5-6 PVE round can now drop uncraftable emblems.
- The minimum number of component items dropped from Minions, Krugs, and Wolves is now 5. Including carousel items, this now means each player will have a minimum of 9 component items before the Treasure Dragon
- The Treasure Dragon replaces Raptors on stage 4-7. Read more about it here.
- Gold coins earned from PVE rounds are now automatically collected at the end of combat. Get that money gamer.
Augments Removed
In addition to the trait linked Augments from Gizmos & Gadgets, we've done away with a number of Augments that didn't make it through the portal to Dragonlands. Most of these Augments created positioning challenges that while fun in G&G, felt crowded in Dragonlands which already brings a number of positioning rules through other means. Additional Augments were cut due to balancing issues, or just because we have replacements that are more fun.
Say goodbye to these Augments that failed to catch flight:
- Archangel's Embrace
- Backfoot I
- Backfoot II
- Backfoot III
- Battlemage I
- Battlemage II
- Battlemage III
- Disintegrator I
- Disintegrator II
- Disintegrator III
- Dominance
- Four Score
- Golden Gifts I
- Golden Gifts II
- Golden Ticket
- High Five
- Keepers I
- Keepers II
- Knife's Edge I
- Knife's Edge II
- Knife's Edge III
- Phalanx I
- Phalanx II
- Phalanx III
- Titanic Force
- Treasure Trove I
- Treasure Trove II
- Treasure Trove III
- Weakspot II
- Weakspot III
- Woodland Charm
- Underdogs
Augment System Changes
We are moving Augment selections to the beginning of a stage, creating a bigger moment as you transition from one stage to the next. For our third Augment, coming earlier allows you to better adjust your team comp to fully utilize the power of your final Augment choice. With Treasure Dragon, moving the third Augment up also gives you some space before you have to enter another big brain decision making moment.
We've also added an Augment Reroll. You only get one per game, so use it wisely!
We've adjusted some rules with what Augments you see by adding new outcomes, diversifying your options, and making Gold the new standard!
We've brought down the power of Crown and Soul Augments to better balance chase (hard to hit verticals) traits. Now, when you take a Crown or Soul Augment, you'll get 1 Emblem/Unit towards that trait, a unit in the trait, and an item that can be considered pivotal to that trait's core units.
- First Augment: 1-4 ⇒ 2-1
- Second Augment: 3-3 ⇒ 3-2
- Third Augment: 4-6 ⇒ 4-2
- You can now reroll the currently presented augment choices once per game.
- Gold (T2) Augments are now the standard and the most common augment you can expect to see. Silver (T1) will now be seen much less, and Prismatic (T3) about the same as before.
- You can no longer be shown 3 trait-related augment choices within the same augment armory
- Crown and Soul Augments have been reworked. Instead of granting 2 Emblems or 2 towards the trait, they will now grant 1 Emblem or 1 towards the trait, an item, and a unit
We're doing a general power deflation across the board. Rich Get Richer at 10g is the new baseline for our Gold Augments. We've also seen an increase in value around econ Augments towards the end of G&G and will be keeping most econ Augments at the Gold tier.
- Ancient Archives I Tier: Silver ⇒ Gold
- Binary Airdrop Tier: Gold ⇒ Prismatic
- Blue Battery is now only 1 tier at Gold tier
- Blue Battery Mana after casting: 20
- Calculated Loss Tier: Silver ⇒ Gold
- Double Trouble Attack Damage & Ability Power: 25/35/45 ⇒ 30/40/55
- Exiles Max Health Shield: 35/45/70% ⇒ 25/35/50%
- Exiles Shield Duration: 8 ⇒ 10 seconds
- First Aid Kit Now has 2 tiers
- First Aid Kit Heal & Shield Boost: 35% ⇒ 25/35%
- Hyper Roll renamed to Hustler
- Hustler (Hyper Roll) tier: Silver ⇒ Gold
- Hustler (Hyper Roll) gold required to gain gold: Under 10 ⇒ 20
- March of Progress XP: 5 ⇒ 4
- Phony Frontline Tier: Silver ⇒ Gold
- Phony Frontline target dummy Health: 500 ⇒ 700
- Sunfire Board max Health percentage burn: 2% ⇒ 1%
- Sunfire Board burn duration: 10 ⇒ 15
- The Golden Egg hatch timer: 7 ⇒ 10 Rounds
- The Golden Egg NEW: Victorious player combats accelerate the hatch timer by an additional turn
- The Golden Egg: reduced value of loot tables by ~10g. Updated loot tables for Set 7
- The Golden Egg: replaced the 3x Infinity Force loot option with 1x Infinity Force, 1x Anima Visage, 1x Zhonya's Paradox
- Three's Company, 3-Cost Units: 4 ⇒ 3
- True Twos REWORK: Gain 2 random 2-star Tier 1 champions and 2 gold.
We're using the new set as a way to widen the use cases for each of our more niche items, while also making adjustments to items that scale with or impact max Health due to our new Dragon units bringing large Health bars.
Being the most Dragon-y of the Dragonlands items, we reworked Dragon's Claw to make it a more durable tank item with some draconic flavor. We lessened its Magic Resist and removed the fireball damage proc that would often leave Blue Buff users feeling like they built a Blue Nerf. Instead we gave our VIP Dragonlands item, the VIP Leona treatment, giving the user increased Health regeneration per enemy targeting them. This makes it a great early game slam, but also great late game once you transition it to a Dragon, which improves the stats it grants.
- Archangel's Staff starting Ability Power: 10 ⇒ 30
- Archangel's Staff Ability Power per 5 seconds: 25 ⇒ 20
- Urf-Angel's Staff (Radiant) starting Ability Power: 10 ⇒ 30
- Urf-Angel's Staff (Radiant) Ability Power per 5 seconds: 30 ⇒ 25
- Bloodthirster Lifesteal (physical damage heal) ⇒ Omnivamp (all damage heal)
- Bloodthirster Omnivamp: 33% ⇒ 25%
- Bloodthirster max Health shield percentage: 30% ⇒ 25%
- Blessed Bloodthirster (Radiant) Lifesteal ⇒ Omnivamp
- Blessed Bloodthirster (Radiant) Omnivamp: 60% ⇒ 35%
- Bramble Vest Armor: 70 ⇒ 60
- Rosethorn Vest (Radiant) Armor: 70 ⇒ 100
- Rosethorn Vest (Radiant) Thorn Damage: 200/250/300 ⇒ 125/175/225
- Rosethorn Vest (Radiant) REMOVED: Max Health Regen
- Chalice of Charity (Radiant) healing on spells ⇒ Omnivamp
- Dragon's Claw REWORKED Magic Resist: 200 ⇒ 120
- Dragon's Claw REMOVED: max Health percentage damage on enemy spell cast
- Dragon's Claw NEW: Every 2 seconds, the holder regenerates 1.2% of their maximum Health for each enemy targeting them.
- Dragon's Claw NEW: If the holder is a Dragon, these effects are increased by 20% (144 MR, 1.8% max Health regen)
- Dragon's Will (Radiant) Magic Resist: 300 ⇒ 180
- Dragon's Will (Radiant) REMOVED: max Health percentage damage on enemy spell cast
- Dragon's Will (Radiant) REMOVED: Radiant max Health regen
- Dragon's Will (Radiant) NEW: Every 1.5 seconds, the holder regenerates 2.5% of their maximum health for each enemy targeting them
- Dragon's Will (Radiant) NEW: If the holder is a Dragon, these effects are increased by 20% (216 MR, 3% max health regen)
- Dvarapala Stoneplate (Radiant) max Health regen: 3% ⇒ 1%
- Giant Slayer bonus damage amplification: 20/60% ⇒ 25/50%
- Giant Slayer bonus damage Health threshold: 1800 ⇒ 2200
- Demon Slayer (Radiant) bonus damage amplification: 40/80% ⇒ 35/70%
- Demon Slayer (Radiant) bonus damage Health threshold: 1400 ⇒ 2200
- Guinsoo's Reckoning (Radiant) Attack Speed: 40% ⇒ 25%
- Hand of Justice baseline AP/AD/Omnivamp stats: 10 ⇒ 15
- Hand of Justice increase for either AD/AP or Omnivampe: 33 ⇒ 30
- Hextech Gunblade healing on spells ⇒ Omnivamp
- Hextech Gunblade Omnivamp: 33% ⇒ 25%
- Hextech Lifeblade (Radiant) healing on spells ⇒ Omnivamp
- Hextech Lifeblade (Radiant) REMOVED: Overheal Shield
- Covalent Spark (Radiant) range for MR shred and spell zap: 4 ⇒ 3
- Covalent Spark (Radiant) spell zap max Mana percent damage: 275% ⇒ 250%
- Last Whisper Armor reduction: 70% ⇒ 50%
- Last Whisper Armor reduction procs on: Crits ⇒ Physical damage
- Eternal Whisper (Radiant) Armor reduction procs on: Crits ⇒ Physical damage
- Morellonomicon Ability Power: 10 ⇒ 30
- More More-ellonomicon (Radiant) Ability Power: 10 ⇒ 50
- More More-ellonomicon REMOVED: 30 starting Mana
- More More-ellonomicon max Health percentage burn: 4% per second ⇒ 2% per second
- Redemption missing Health heal: 18% ⇒ 12%
- Radiant Redemption RENAMED to Absolution
- Absolution (Radiant) Health: 500 ⇒ 300
- Absolution (Radiant) missing Health heal: 25% ⇒ 18%
- Spear of Hirana (Radiant) Mana restore on attack: 15 ⇒ 12
- Statikk's Favor (Radiant) magic Damage proc: 115 ⇒ 110
- Statikk's Favor (Radiant) Magic Resist Shred: 70% ⇒ 50%
- Sunfire Cape Health: 150 ⇒ 400
- Sunfire Cape max Health Burn per second: 2% ⇒ 1%
- Sunfire Cape max Health Burn Duration: 8 sec ⇒ 10 sec
- Sunfire Cape now refreshes the burn if no new targets are in range
- Sunlight Cape (Radiant) Health: 150 ⇒ 800
- Sunlight Cape (Radiant) max Health Burn per second: 3% ⇒ 2%
- Sunlight Cape (Radiant) REMOVED: Max Health Regen
- Sunlight Cape (Radiant) now refreshes the burn if no new targets are in range
- Titan's Vow (Radiant) Attack Damage & Ability Power per stack: 4 ⇒ 3
- Warmog's Pride (Radiant) Health: 1800 ⇒ 1600
- Zeke's Harmony (Radiant) Lifesteal ⇒ Omnivamp
- Death's Defiance (Portable Forge Item) damage reduction: 70% ⇒ 50%
- Death's Defiance (Portable Forge Item) Omnivamp: 20% ⇒ 25%
Small Changes
Small, like Poggles.
- Component Grab Bag now only shows up on 3-2 or 4-2
- Cybernetic Shell Armor: 25/35/50 ⇒ 20/30/40
- High End Shopping gold: 8 ⇒ 10
- Item Grab Bag II: 1 Reforger ⇒ 2 Reforgers
- Jeweled Lotus crit chance: 25% ⇒ 20%
- Makeshift Armor, Armor and Magic Resist: 35/55/75 ⇒ 30/45/60
- Rich Get Richer (Only shows up on 1-4) gold: 14 ⇒ 10
- NEW: Richer Get Richer+ (Only shows up on 3-2) gold: 15
- Stand United III Attack Damage & Ability Power: 5 ⇒ 4
- Tiny Titans Tactician Health: 35 ⇒ 30
- Windfall (Only shows up on 1-4) gold: 20/35/55 ⇒ 20
- Windfall+ NEW (Only shows up on 3-2) gold: 30
- Windfall++ NEW (Only shows up on 4-2) gold: 40
- Wise Spending no longer grants 4 gold
- Deathblade Attack Damage: 50/75/100 ⇒ 40/70/100
- Luminous Deathblade (Radiant) Attack Damage: 80/120/160 ⇒ 60/100/140
- Brink of Dawn (Radiant) Attack Speed on activation: 55% ⇒ 40%
- Quickestsilver (Radiant) Attack Speed: 55% ⇒ 50%
- Rapid Firecannon Attack Speed: 55% ⇒ 50%
- Rapid Lightcannon (Radiant) Attack Speed: 85% ⇒ 75%
- Anima Visage (Portable Forge Item) max Health percentage heal: 6% ⇒ 5%
- Anima Visage (Portable Forge Item) Health: 200 ⇒ 150
- Death’s Defiance (Portable Forge Item) Attack Damage: 20 ⇒ 10
- Eternal Winter (Portable Forge Item) Health: 200 ⇒ 150
- Eternal Winter (Portable Forge Item) Freeze Cooldown: 10 ⇒ 15 seconds
- Gold Collector (Portable Forge Item) Gold Chance: 60% ⇒ 50%
- Manazane (Portable Forge Item) Starting Mana: 40 ⇒ 30
- Obsidian Cleaver (Portable Forge Item) Health: 200 ⇒ 150
- Obsidian Cleaver (Portable Forge Item) resist shred duration: 5 sec ⇒ 4 sec
- Randuin’s Sanctum (Portable Forge Item) Health: 200 ⇒ 150
- Rocket Propelled Fist (Portable Forge Item) Health: 750 ⇒ 500
- Zhonya’s Paradox (Portable Forge Item) Armor & Magic Resist: 50 ⇒ 40
Double Up
You can read more about all our Double Up ranked changes in Ananda's /Dev article here.
- Now uses metallic ranks
- Players will start at Iron II and climb as far as they can!
- Double Up matchmaking will be based on the senior (higher ranked) partner in the pair
- In Double Up, players will now get streak bonuses!
- 3 consecutive top 4 finishes count as a win streak and will start awarding bonus LP; the bonus will increase until a 6 win streak is reached, at which point it will stop increasing (but will still be awarded if a player keeps winning!)
- Streak bonuses get smaller as players climb in tier, and are phased out entirely in Diamond and higher ranks
- Check out our /Dev article for more information
With items like Guinsoo's Rageblade and traits like Shapeshifter, we want to make sure your reinforcing units come in with the same power they had when you defeated your previous matchup. Expect to see some even more ramped up and exciting teamfights during those epic 2v2 moments with these changes.
- Reinforcements: Units now retain their Health, Mana, item and positive buff statuses when reinforcing
- Reinforcements: All positive buffs are retained
- Reinforcements: All negative buffs are removed
- Reinforcements: All buffs/items that manipulate unit stats do not apply their benefits when they trigger during the time between combat resolving and reinforcements being deployed
Rune of Allegiance
We don't want you to feel like you have to hoard Rune of Allegiances until the late game, so we're changing Rune of Allegiance to help you feel good about using these earlier in the game. Our changes will also lessen the dominance of the three star 4-cost meta, which with Dragon units on the way, would be even stronger.
- Rune of Allegiance: There are now 2 types of Rune of Allegiance, Lesser Rune of Allegiance and Rune of Allegiance (unchanged)
- Lesser Rune of Allegiance: Has the same functionality as Rune of Allegiance but can only be used to send Tier 1, 2 or 3 champions
- Rune of Allegiance: The two types now have separate (and completely new!) icons
- Rune of Allegiance: drop cadence is different
- Stage 1-3: Lesser Rune of Allegiance
- Stage 4-1: Rune of Allegiance
- Stage 5-1: Rune of Allegiance
- Attempting to open an orb containing a champion given via any Rune of Allegiance when your bench is full will now always result in the orb not opening instead of placing the unit on the board. This should help cases where a unit was sent at the last minute and accidentally gets sold due to a full bench and combat starting.
We've changed the order that players are released during Carousel (shared draft) to reduce the advantage loss streaking pairs have. Previously, loss streaking pairs could coordinate to create complete items off of one carousel, crafting optimized builds early and greatly punishing pairs who win early.
- The order that players are released during Shared Draft is different.
- Players are still released in pairs, but the pairs released now have members of different teams. The partner who is positioned lower on the scoreboard is the first one released on a team.
- The release order of players is as follows, with one member of each listed team being released at a time: first to release are 4th and 3rd, followed by 2nd and 1st, then 4th and 3rd, and finally 2nd and 1st
- During the Shared Draft phase there is a new countdown visual indicator under a player's barrier when they are next in turn to be released.
Hyper Roll
System Changes
We're shipping a number of quality-of-set changes to Hyper Roll to allow for hyped up rollers to utilize the coolest parts of Dragonlands—which are the Dragons of course.
We want more players alive for the Treasure Dragon, so players have a chance to high roll and fight back, so we're reducing damage early. Due to the steep damage ramping in the late game, Hyper Roll games will continue to take around the same amount of time as before.
- Income: Passive gold income has been increased starting at round 5-2 to account for the increased Dragon costs.
- Player Damage: Health loss during Stage 5 has been decreased from 4 to 2.
- Round Changes: The Treasure Dragon occurs at Round 7-2, and the third Augment choice has moved from 7-2 to 7-1 to accommodate this.
Hyper Roll Balance Changes
Some parts of Dragonlands just don't land in Hyper Roll. We've tuned some Augments, traits, and units specifically for Hyper Roll balancing.
- Augment Adjustments: Removed several XP-based and Econ-based Augments, and adjusted many other Augments to better fit Hyper Roll's game pacing.
- Trainer: Trainers throw twice as many Snax.
- Bard: Bard doots count double.
- Starcaller: Heal value adjusted slightly for Hyper Roll.
- Olaf: Gains twice as much Attack Damage per death.
- Shimmerscale: Pacing and income adjustments were made to nearly every item. Additionally, items that care about your gold amount max out at 15 gold, down from 80 in Standard and Double Up.