Teamfight Tactics Patch 14.22 Notes
14.22 brings HUGE updates to Team Planner, including Team Codes, Multi-team, and more. It’s also our last patch of the set so be sure to hit your Ranked goals and try out Choncc’s Treasure which returns this patch only!
It may be the last patch of Magic n’ Mayhem, but there’ll always be magic between us because friendship IS magic.
And speaking of magic, we’ve got huge updates for Team Planner this patch, alongside large-scale Artifact buffs, and more than a couple mayhem-heavy buffs that we could only ship during our final patch of the set! 14.22 also marks the return of our loot-filled joyous game mode, Choncc’s Treasure—be sure to try it out. And finish your Magic n’ Mayhem ranked climb while you can—14.23 is a completely new set!

Mid-Patch Updates
This is more of a pre-patch update than a mid-patch update, but alas. We’re shipping some mode-specific changes to Choncc’s Treasure to make sure the entire lobby doesn’t run Sugarcraft with the increased item economy, but also to disable a Charm that’s too consistently powerful in the mode.
- Major Polymorph Charm has been disabled
- Sugarcraft sugar per item component: 3/4/6/10 ⇒ 2/3/5/10
Ahead of our next set, we’ve got a bundle of the next set’s first Pass+, Chibi Caitlyn, and her boom, Ace in the Hole, all available for one patch only (this one) at 2600 RP. After patch 14.22, Chibi Caitlyn can be found in the Rotating Shop.
We’ve got three amazing upgrades for Team Planner coming this patch!
- Copy and Paste Team Codes from your friends, favorite streamers, or that Tactician who just beat you! Pasted Team Codes will populate your Team Planner so you can roll away with ease!
- Multi-teams now allow for saving (and flipping between) multiple Team Planner comps. You can save up to 20 comps!
- Units now have names in Team Planner, making it easier to identify splashes that may look similar.
From November 6, at 11 AM PT, to November 19 at 10 AM PT, Choncc’s Treasure returns, bringing more loot, power, 3-star 5-costs, and most importantly, more Choncc to Magic n’ Mayhem!
With 14.22, we're adjusting our low and medium graphic quality on Mobile devices to save memory and improve the fluidity of gameplay. This will allow older or slower devices to run TFT more smoothly, but running TFT at medium or above will mostly avoid (at medium) or completely avoid (at above medium) the impact of the visual changes. While on low, and to a lesser extent, medium, these changes will primarily impact the visual quality of Tacticians and Arenas to ensure a smoother, more reliable gameplay experience.
Get your 27 copies worth of HP and power!
- 4-Star units gain an additional flat 500 Health bonus.
Large, like them BEES!
We’re almost out of time, so we crafted some sweet changes that’ll shift the end of the set into some memorable fun.
- Chrono Time to Proc: 14 sec ⇒ 10 sec
- Honeymancy Bees have been emBEEginned, making them larger than before.
- Incantor Stacks per cast: 3 ⇒ 5
- NEW Shapeshifter (10): 66% HP and 5% Health Regen
- NEW Sugarcraft (8): Gives 50 Base AD/AP, 500 Team HP, and 10x Sugar Multiplier
This is an ad for AD Jayce. Make it happen.
- Ashe Mana buff: 50/90 ⇒ 40/75
- Jayce AD: 55 ⇒ 56
- Jayce Ability AD%: 450/450/500% ⇒ 500/500/600%
- Warwick AD: 45 ⇒ 46
Aside from Kassadin, none of these 2-costs have had their chance to wear the carry pants, but now we’re letting them try it on, whether that’s Yordle-sized pants for Tristana, or ol’ timey suspenders for Akali…hehe just checking if you’re there, we know it’s Zilean.
- Akali AD: 55 ⇒ 65
- Kassadin Mana buff: 30/70 ⇒ 30/60
- Tristana Mana buff: 0/60 ⇒ 0/45
- Zilean max Mana buff: 20/70 ⇒ 0/60
- Zilean Ability Damage: 180/270/405 ⇒ 220/330/495
- Zilean Ability Secondary Damage: 150/225/340 ⇒ 160/240/360
- Zilean Ability Stun Duration: 1.25 ⇒ 1 sec
Remember when we gave Jinx 3 AD and had to revert it… neither do I. Well, she still could use the smallest buff, so here’s one-third of that 14.21 Jinx buff that went too far (three far?). Wait a second; Jayce, Warwick, and Jinx are all getting +1 AD…
- Jinx AD: 52 ⇒ 53
- Neeko Armor & MR: 45 ⇒ 55
- Swain max Mana buff: 70/130 ⇒ 60/120
- Swain Secondary HP Gain: 180/230/280 ⇒ 210/250/290
I heard we’re giving out stats.
- Fiora AD: 75 ⇒ 80
- Gwen Armor & MR: 50 ⇒ 55
- Karma Ability Damage: 190/285/1600 ⇒ 200/300/1600
- Nasus Heal from Secondary casts: 250/300/900 ⇒ 325/375/900
- Varus AS: 0.75 ⇒ 0.8
Xerath’s Ascendant Charms are the most fun and unique part of his kit, so we’re letting them appear much more often
- Xerath Ability Damage: 250/275/888 ⇒ 299/444/999
- Xerath Transcendent Charm Odds: 8% ⇒ 12%
- Xerath Max Transcendent Odds: 40% ⇒ 50%
Modern Placebo testing practices pair a placebo with a noticeable side effect, such as a tingly mouth, to best test against the drug in question. This is often done to counteract the power of placebos, which often perform at over a 50% success rate in clinical settings. As for our setting, we went too far with our Placebo side effect, which became too noticeable despite the gold being where the power should occur.
Speaking of gold, you’ll need less of it to complete the Golden Quest.
- Placebo Attack Speed: 2% ⇒ 1%
- Golden Quest Gold Required: 175 ⇒ 165
- Spider Queen [BUGFIX]: Fixed a bug where this was doing less damage than intended.
We’re doing a large-scale pass on Artifacts to make them more fun and prepare them for the roster swap with our next set. Shipping these changes a patch early allows us to hone in on Artifact specific balance changes as opposed to having to do these changes alongside an entirely new set.
We are removing two Artifacts that create unfun playstates of unkillable overtime tanks or a pestering of Crowd Control. I guess you could say that Eternal Winter is no longer Eternal, but Forbidden Idol is most definitely forbidden.
- Anima Visage HP: 450 ⇒ 400
- Anima Visage MR: 25 ⇒ 20
- Anima Visage HP Regen per sec: 2.5% ⇒ 3.5%
- Anima Visage now grants 20 Armor
- Deathfire Grasp AP: 50 ⇒ 30
- Deathfire Grasp Mana: 15 ⇒ 30
- Deathfire Grasp Damage Amp is now in the tooltip properly and lasts forever (this is not a functional change)
- [REWORKED] Deathfire Grasp: Combat Start: Blast the current target for 40% of their max Health as magic damage. Repeat this every 13 seconds.
- Deathfire Grasp is no longer Unique
- Eternal Winter has been removed.
- Forbidden Idol has been removed.
- Gambler’s Blade Base Attack Speed: 40% ⇒ 45%
- Gambler’s Blade chance to Proc: 4% ⇒ 5%
- Hullcrusher also gives 25 AD/AP if Isolated
- Horizon Focus [BUGFIX]: Damage now stacks if you have multiple copies.
- Lichbane removed 15 Mana
- Lichbane now gives 20% Attack Speed
- Lightshield Crest Armor & MR: 50 ⇒ 70
- Lightshield Crest Shield Percent of Resists: 50% ⇒ 70%
- Mittens Damage Reduction: 20% ⇒ 25%
- Prowler’s Claw now grants 200 HP
- Prowler’s Claw AD: 50% ⇒ 40%
- Seeker’s Armguard Stats Per Takedown: 10 ⇒ 15
- Seeker’s Armguard Stats Stats Per Kill: 15 ⇒ 20
- Seeker’s Armguard size increases with each stack
- Silvermere Dawn AD: 165% ⇒ 120%
- Silvermere Dawn Armor & MR: 50 ⇒ 75
- Sniper’s Focus Range Increase: 1 ⇒ 2
- Spectral Cutlass now grants 40 Armor & MR
- Trickster’s Glass clone max Mana Increase: 30% ⇒ 10%
- Unending Despair Shield magic Damage: 125% ⇒ 160%
Huge if true, and it’s definitely true.
With the final patch of the set, we wanted to ensure everyone can engage as much as possible with our charming set mechanic before it departs. Charm slingers delight!
- All Charms that cost at least one gold/health now cost one gold/health less.
- Tricked up: Trickster’s Glass can now correctly copy four-star units.
- Fixed a very rare bug where more loot could drop than intended (for everyone in the lobby)
- Fixed a bug where Spider Queen (Augment) was doing less damage than intended.