無縛棋手:奧術 無縛英雄 吉茵珂絲
如前面所提及的,該類型的第一位聯盟棋手就是:奧術 無縛英雄 吉茵珂絲。隨著「追尋奧術」版本更新,我們還會釋出其他無縛英雄,後續會再揭曉。接下來,就讓我們來看看我們首發的無縛棋手,她的表情、金光閃閃的新底座,以及充滿魄力的終結特效吧。
凱特琳跟菲艾在彼此和我們的心中都佔有一席之地,她們將共用同一道寶藏王國的旗幟——讓我們能夠向每一位超級粉絲提供更多《奧術》的內容。當你從掉落物中打開神話寶箱時,兩件神話競逐內容的比例將各佔一半:奧術執法者 聯萌英雄 凱特琳以及奧術刑警 聯萌英雄 菲艾。因為本次寶藏王國旗幟有兩件寶物,所以神話內容掉落物的機率大幅提高(漲幅達67%),機率由兩件寶物平分。如果你已經擁有其中一件神話寶物了,那麼下次就會開到另一件。如果你想要試試手氣看能不能得到首位神話聯萌英雄,而且這兩位英雄都是你的心頭好的話,那可千萬別錯過這次機會。跟以前一樣,如果你已經在寶藏王國同時擁有2件神話內容商品的話,你將會獲得10枚神話古幣。最後,如果你只喜歡菲艾(或是你對凱特琳很專情),你還是可以在神話商店透過10枚神話古幣來直接購買。那麼,就讓我們來看看這次的組合吧!
聯萌英雄 奧術 凱特琳正在追捕吉茵珂絲,或前四大通緝犯。如上所述,「她以及奧術刑警 聯萌英雄 菲艾」將會作為寶藏王國的獎勵推出,直到15.1版本帶來新內容為止!
隨著這次版本更新,我們還推出了一位奧術風格的聯萌英雄:野火幫首腦 聯萌英雄 艾克
野火幫首腦 聯萌英雄 艾克會在15.1版本登場,屆時他將用懸浮飛板離開這裡。
尊爵不凡 聯萌英雄 奧術超級粉絲 安妮
「尊爵不凡 聯萌英雄 奧術超級粉絲 安妮」將連同其他商品在棋組發佈時一同推出!「尊爵不凡 聯萌英雄 奧術超級粉絲 安妮」有專屬全螢幕美術圖、視覺特效,以及終結特效動畫!看看她是如何實現自己的夢想,成為一名藍頭髮的無政府主義者!
尊爵不凡 安妮會以類似尊爵不凡 關的形式在神話商店販售。尊爵不凡 安妮的價格也同樣為25枚神話古幣。「追尋奧術」前兩個版本中,開啟寶箱也低機率會掉落尊爵不凡 安妮。尊爵不凡 聯萌英雄 奧術超級粉絲 安妮將會在15.1版本中回頭追《奧術》影集,請務必在此版本前將他留下來!
除了學徒仙子以外,通行證+第一章還有其他三位聯盟精靈:「奧術蜥蜴 里奧」引頸期盼你的到來,所以跑到通行證+進度前面去了。這個生物——非常不可思議……牠具有再生的特性,且強大到幾乎能夠治癒你的聯盟分數。
矮鯊天生軟骨(牠們真的沒那麼堅強)所以「女巫集會 矮鯊」才會在頭上戴一頂骷髏帽,以保護牠們的頭骨。
史怪伯是一名藝術家。史怪伯聽了〈Paint the Town Blue〉之後問,為什麼只能是藍色呢?史怪伯熱愛每個地方,儘管牠們跟蝙蝠一樣視力不好,但從不覺得這是甚麼大問題。你可以透過通行證+或是限時商店來獲得史怪伯,別忘了看看他們的色違版:西域牛仔史怪伯、血色教團史怪伯,以及泳池狂歡史怪伯。
溫馨提醒,野火幫 史怪伯可以透過通行證+取得;而基礎版史怪伯可以直接以2500聯盟幣購買。
原版的《聯盟戰棋》x《奧術》聯動角色在限時商店推出了全新的色違版,也可以透過我們的通行證+取得(奧術蜥蜴 里奧)。色違版本如下:藍髮蜥蜴 里奧、微光蜥蜴 里奧、聖光蜥蜴 里奧。
首先,在「魔法無極限」達到金牌以上的玩家,即可獲得「凱旋王者 皮可蜥」聯盟精靈。
Down To The Last Drop
Inspired by the iconic setting of much of Arcane’s first season, Down to the Last Drop pays homage to our favorite Arcane moments in a place that so many characters once called home. Like many Mythic tier arenas, Down to the Last Drop will transform as you level, but unlike other Mythics, this one transforms twice: First by swapping from Vander’s homey bar to a darker, shimmering one under Silco’s control and finally transitioning to a Jinx-inspired space in the aftermath of season one’s conclusion.
With unique gold mines, win (and loss) streak effects, and a familiar intro, Down to the Last Drop has all the features you expect from a Mythic-tier arena in Arcane style. Down to the Last Drop is available via Treasure Realms as Star Content from launch and will be around until patch 15.1 brings something new!
Arcane has so many amazing and dynamic characters to bring to life. Whether you’re a blue-haired superfan of Jinx or a classy, tea-sipping Caitlyn fan, we had to create enough high-quality Tacticians so every fan feels covered. So, with our release patch of Into the Arcane, we’re adding four new Chibi variants. First up, the duo of Chibi Caitlyn and Vi!
Sharing a place in each other’s hearts and ours, Caitlyn and Vi will be in a shared Treasure Realm banner—allowing us to offer more Arcane content for each kind of Superfan. When you open a piece of Mythic chase content from a drop, it’ll be a 50-50 chance between the two pieces of Mythic content: Chibi Arcane Caitlyn or Chibi Arcane Vi. Because there are two pieces in this Treasure Realm banner, the drop chance for Mythic content drop rate has been increased significantly (you’ll see Mythic drops 67% more often), split equally between each item. If you own one of the Mythic pieces, your next Mythic will be the other. If you’re looking to get lucky with your first Mythic Chibi and love both members of the duo, this could be your shot. As always, if you own both of the Mythic content pieces in the Treasure Realm, you’ll receive 10 Mythic Medallions instead. Finally, if you’re more of just a Vi fan (or a Caitlyn one), you’ll still be able to purchase the content directly from the Mythic Store using 10 Mythic Medallions. Okay, let’s check the duo out!
Chibi Arcane Caitlyn is locked in on her hunt for Jinx, or top four. She and Chibi Arcane Vi will be available via Treasure Realms as outlined above from launch until patch 15.1 brings something new.
Don’t let the size fool you–this brawler still packs a punch!
We’ve got one more Arcane-themed Chibi for you with our release patch, and that’s Chibi Firelight Ekko.
Chibi Firelight Ekko will be available from our release patch to patch 15.1, where he’ll hoverboard out of here.
Chibi Prestige Arcane Superfan Annie
Chibi Prestige Arcane Superfan Annie arrives with the rest of the store content above shortly after the set goes live! As a Prestige Chibi, Chibi Prestige Arcane Superfan Annie will have her own full-screen splash art, visual effects, and finisher animation! See how she’s living her blue-haired anarchist dream!
Prestige Annie will be available in the Mythic Shop in a similar manner as Prestige Gwen. The price of Prestige Annie will also remain 25 Mythic Medallions. She will also have a small drop rate across all of our bounties in the first 2 patches of Into the Arcane. Chibi Prestige Arcane Superfan Annie will go on the run at the start of patch 15.1, so be sure to catch her before then!
Into the Arcane Pass Part I
Just like the cities Piltover and Zaun, our Pass is divided into two halves—okay maybe it’s not just like Piltover and Zaun… Regardless, our Passes act as a guide to the streets, sewers, and bridges (read: cosmetics) of the set. If you want to get even more from the Pass, you can upgrade it to the Pass+ for 1295 RP. As a reminder, you can always wait to see how far you can get on the free version of the Pass before upgrading to claim all the rewards you’ve unlocked along the way. Speaking of rewards, let’s check em’ out!

With the limitless potential of Hextech, and the limited potential of a River Sprite, this Sprite is quite the Anomaly.

There are three other Little Legends in the first Chapter of our Pass+ as well. Arcane Rio is eagerly awaiting your invitation early on in the Pass+. This creature—it's incredible… its regenerative properties are almost enough to heal your LP.

Firelight Scribble is obsessed with Ekko, they're always able to find where he is with their Ekkolocation.

Shorks have cartilaginous skeletons—they’re not really that tough—which is why Coven Shork wears a skull cap on their skull to protect their skull.

As you continue through your Pass+, you’ll earn Treasure Tokens, Star Shards, Realm Crystals, Booms (Jinxed Arm and Powder’s Monkey Bomb), and at the very end, you’ll find yourself at the place where it all began, the Bridge of Progress arena.
New Little Legends: Scribble
Scribble’s an artist. Scribble hears “Paint the Town Blue” and asks why stop at blue? Despite their flair for the beautification of any location, Scribble’s as blind as a bat, but they’ve never really seen that as a problem. Swoop your Scribble either through the Pass+ or via the Rotating Shop and check out their variants below: Scribble, High Noon Scribble, Crimson Circle Scribble, Pool Party Scribble.
As a reminder, Firelight Scribble is available via the Pass+, while base Scribble can be purchased directly for 2500 RP.
New Little Legend Variants: Piximander
The original TFT-Arcane tie-in has all new variants in the Rotating Shop, or (for Arcane Rio) in our Pass+. Check out their variants below: Blue Hair Rio, Shimmering Rio, Redeemed Rio.
Ranked Rewards and More!
So you’ve mastered magic and mayhem alike at the Magitorium by climbing the Ranked Ladder. In that case, we’ve got rewards for you!
First, if you placed Gold or higher in Magic n’ Mayhem, you’ll receive the Victorious Piximander.

You’ll also receive an emote to mark your rank if you placed in Gold or higher!
If you slung Charms in pairs, and you placed gold or higher in Double Up, we’ve also got emotes for you based upon your rank!
Finally, if you finish Green, Blue, Purple, or Hyper tier in Hyper Roll, then you’ll get an extra emote to flex with!
Ranked Rewards will begin distribution with patch 14.23, but may take the full patch to roll out to every winner.