Teamfight Tactics patch 10.6 notes
Welcome to the stars! Teamfight Tactics: Galaxies is here.
Welcome to Teamfight Tactics: Galaxies.....the patch notes,
We're going far out with this one. A whole new set means a new Ranked Season, new Champions, new Traits, new Items, new Little Legends, new Arenas. In addition to the flashy stuff there's a bunch of underlying systems changes to things like income and the item system so be sure to check those out as understanding them may mean the difference between winning and losing.
If you've been playing the new set on PBE, we also have a few notes at the end with balance changes.
Take this portal if you're looking for League's patch notes!
Let's get into it!

Introducing Galaxies
- The Galaxies' ranked season will start immediately with the launch of this patch.
- There is no longer any rank decay below Master.
- You also cannot decay out of Master. We hope you'll keep trying for the top, but we don't want TFT to feel like a daily obligation with a big penalty hammer attached.
Lots of changes here, in fact we wrote a whole article about it.
Galaxies Mechanic
- The "Galaxies" Mechanic will now launch on patch 10.7.
- Passive Income by round (starting at round 1-2): 3 - 5 - 4 - 5 - 5 - 5…⇒2 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 5 - 5.
- Removed the ability to sell Champions during the Carousel round.
- Streaks: 2-3 (1g), 4-6 (2g), 7+ (3g)⇒2 (1g), 3 (2g), 4 (3g)
- Streak bonus gold is now paid during PvE rounds
- Level 3 Drops: 70/25/5/0/0%⇒70/30/0/0/0%
- Level 5 Drops: 35/35/25/5/0%⇒35/40/20/5/0%
- Level 6 Drops 25/35/30/10/0%⇒20/35/35/10/0%
- Level 7 Drops 20/30/33/15/2⇒14/30/40/15/1%
- Level 8 Drops 15/20/35/24/6%⇒13/20/35/25/7%
- Level 9 Drops 10/15/30/30/15%⇒10/15/25/35/15%
Player Damage
- Base damage per Stage increased to 0/3/4/5/10/15/20 from 0/2/3/4/5/6/7
- Additional damage per surviving unit reduced to 1 (was previously calculated based on the Star level and Gold Cost of the unit ranging from 1-8).
Loot/Item Drops
- Champions are now more likely than just pure gold from all the levels of bonus boxes.
- Gold & Champion Medium boxes can’t drop in the first two rounds.
- Neeko’s help is ~35% less likely to drop from all boxes.
- All Champions Movement speed: 550⇒500
- Champions now move more smoothly from hex to hex when walking
- Melee Champions now move slightly earlier at the start of combat than ranged Champions
- If a Champion is in attack range of their target and the target moves out range, the Champion will now only chase their target for 1 hex before switching targets to the closest enemy
- Mana gain from attacking by star level: 8/10/12⇒10
- Champions now use their mana later in the spell cast
- The first carousel is now all 1-cost champs instead of 2-cost champs.
- Carousels now have MANY more possible combinations of items.
- Spatula’s can again appear on the carousel, but much less often than before.
- Full items can show up earlier than the fifth carousel.
- Components can show up in the sixth carousel and beyond.
- Many new arrangements of carousel possibilities have been added.
- 5 seconds have been added to each planning phase for first patch learning as people ramp up. These will be removed in Patch 10.7
- Grievous Wounds: 80% Healing Reduction⇒50% Healing Reduction
- Disarm no longer prevents spell casts. Only auto attacks.
- All champions in the game scale of AP in some way. AP can scale things besides Damage/Healing/Shielding. See each champs tooltip for details.
- Item combine rules: When units combine, items are placed on the combined unit in this priority: 1) Thiefs Gloves 2) Random full items 3) Random components.
- Bugfix: Champions are now once again larger at 3 star compared to 2 star
- Bugfix: Fixed long-standing issues around units with high attack speed sometimes having their basic attacks visually disappear mid-flight.
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue where large attack speed increases during combat could cause units to visually desync their animations from their actual attack speed
New Items
- Hush is now Chalice of Favor ( gives two nearby allies mana per cast)
- Iceborne Gauntlet is now Shroud of Stillness (Increase certain enemies mana costs by 40% at the start of a round.)
- Titanic Hydra is now Zz’Rot Portal (Spawn a Voidspawn with star-scaled health on death)
Existing Items
- Bloodthirster Healing: 50%⇒35%
- Deathblade Starting Stacks: 1⇒2
- Giant Slayer: 9% current HP⇒12% current HP physical damage
- Hextech Gunblade Vamp: 33%⇒25%
- Ionic Spark: Now also reduces nearby enemies’ MR by 50%
- Morellonomicon Burn: 18%⇒30%
- Quicksilver: CC Immune⇒CC Immune for the first 15 seconds.
- Rabadon’s Deathcap Bonus AP: 75%⇒50%
- Red Buff Burn: 18%⇒30%
- Redemption: Wearer heals entire team for 800 hp on death
- Runaan’s Hurricane projectile damage 60%⇒70% of standard
- Statikk Shiv: 85⇒75 dmg per bounce
- Warmog’s Armor: 6% missing HP⇒4% missing HP, max of 150 HP/tick
- Zeke’s Herald: 15% AS⇒18% AS
- Zephyr Banish Duration: 6sec⇒5sec
In the League of Legends Client
Things might look a little different as TFT is getting a new hub. Below we'll share some of the new features and things to look for:
Galaxies Pass
Learn more about pass, Little Legends, and Arenas here.
- You will now see the current pass and your progression towards rewards.
- You can also Galaxies Pass+ to access premium content and receive the UFO Sprite at any time. Rewards are granted retroactively if you’ve passed levels already, don't worry about buying it right away.
- All rewards in the pass are now browseable and have descriptions. Fancy.
- Level and XP tracker is specified on the left-hand side.
- TFT missions can be easily accessed by clicking the button in the top right corner. This will also showcase the number of available Missions.
- New weekly missions to gain XP towards the pass.
- The Orb is gone. In addition to missions you'll also be rewarded XP for just playing games.
- This is also where you will claim rewards from the pass.
- You will now see the time remaining for the event.
- There's now a new content line-up at the bottom of the hub, you'll see things like news, patch notes, dev thoughts, purchasable Arenas, Little Legends, and Booms.
- The new Booms can now be selected within the parties screen
- The loadouts screen has been updated to support them as well.
- In the lobby you'll be able to track TFT related missions that will giveXP towards your pass by opening the button to the right of their player card.
Other Stuff
- Don't be surprised if you see an introduction that explains the new Galaxy Pass the first time you enter the new hub. Patch Notes readers like yourself will surely not need this introduction, but check it out anyway, just for me.
- If you bought the Galaxies Pass+, you can earn additional rewards once you've completed it. Their XP prices are pretty far out there and are meant for those that play A LOT of TFT.
These changes are coming from PBE to a live server near you.
- Celestial Healing: 15%/25%/50%⇒15%/30%/60%
- Cybernetic Bonus Health/Attack Damage: 350&50/850&85⇒350&50/800&80
- Infiltrator Bonus Attack Speed: 60%/90%⇒50%/80%
- Rebel Shield: 125/200⇒150/225
- Space Pirate (4) Item Drop Chance: 10%⇒15%
Tier 1 Champions
- Caitlyn Attack Damage: 40⇒45
- Khazix Spell Damage: 200/275/450⇒175/250/400
- Jarvan Total Mana: 120⇒100)
- Ziggs Attack Speed: 0.6⇒0.7
Tier 2 Champions
- Ahri Spell Damage: 175/250/400⇒175/250/375
- Darius Mana: 80⇒70
- Kai’sa missle count: 6/8/11⇒4/6/9
- Lucian Attack Damage: 60⇒55
- Lucian Spell Damage: 175/225/350⇒150/200/325
Tier 3 Champions
- Neeko Spell Damage (175/250/500⇒200/275/550)
- Shaco Spell damage (at 3-Star): 500%⇒450%
Tier 4 Champions
- Jhin Attack Damage: 80⇒90
- Irelia Attack Speed: 0.8⇒0.85
- Vel'koz Spell Damage: 450/600/2000⇒425/550/2000
- Wukong Mana: 75/175⇒50/150
Tier 5 Champions
- Aurelion Sol Spell Damage: 100/150/750⇒120/175/750
- Gangplank Health: 900⇒1000
- Miss Fortune Spell Damage: 75%/100%/999%⇒70%/90%/999%
- Miss Fortune Shield Upgrade Value: 300/600/900⇒400/700/1000
- Thresh Attack Speed: 0.85⇒0.95
- Super Mech Spell Splash Damage: 200/250/300/525/675/1125/5000⇒200/250/300/350/450/750/5000
- Ionic Spark Range: 3⇒2
- Ionic Spark Damage: 200%⇒225%
- Red Buff/Morello Healing Mitigation: 33%⇒30%
- Statikk Shiv Damage: 70⇒75