Team Up for Double Up!

Everything you need to know about TFT’s newest lab, Double Up!

Team Up for Double Up!

Double Up is Teamfight Tactics’ new 2v2v2v2 lab, coming to you with the second patch of Gizmos & Gadgets, patch 11.23 (Nov 17th)! All you need to start playing is a partner—and before you ask, I’d love to! Already have a partner? Then you better link them to this article, cause we’re about to cover everything you need to know about Double Up!


  • You can queue up solo or with a preferred partner that you’ll share health with. Once your health pool runs out for the first time, it’s set back to 1. Any loss thereafter eliminates the both of you.
  • With the Assist Armory, you can gift your partner item components, gold, and other boosts at key points in the game.
  • Use the Rune of Allegiance to gift champions and items they may be holding to your partner. Everyone gets one at the start of the game, but you can get another via the Assist Armory.
  • If you beat your opponent’s army before your partner beats theirs, after a short delay your surviving champions will hop onto your partner’s board to help them out!
  • Double Up goes to PBE on Nov 2nd and live on the second patch (11.23) of Gizmos & Gadgets. We’ll be adjusting it periodically based on your feedback!

How to Win: Don’t Lose

Like standard TFT, but different, the last one double standing wins. Even though it’ll be displayed as two separate health totals, you and your partner will share a health pool. That means every time your partner suffers damage, you suffer damage—and vice-versa. Sound risky? Don’t worry, the first time your shared health pool would hit 0, it gets set to 1. After that, any loss by either partner will eliminate you both. You’ll know when this is about to happen thanks to a visual indicator on your Tactician’s health bar, but we’ll also warn ya with text cause the last thing we want is for you to lose the next round.


How to Not Lose: Assist Armory and Rune of Allegiance

Now that you know how losing works, let’s talk about how to avoid that with the ‘Best Friends Armory’—I mean... the Assist Armory. In stage 2-5 and stage 6-2, one player from each team will see an Assist Armory. Whoever sees the Assist Armory can gift their partner things like item components and gold. The Assist Armory on stage 6-2 has even cooler loot like completed items, trait emblems, and the Rune of Allegiance (more on this in a sec)! Worried about giving without receiving? Don’t be! Your partner will get a chance to return the favor on stage 2-6 and 6-3.

So, you’ve picked the perfect partner for Double Up—I’m really happy for you both—but does your partner know how to use the Rune of Allegiance then? No? They don’t? Then maybe you don’t have the perfect partner. Anyways, the Rune of Allegiance is given to all players at the start of the game, as well as stage 4-2 and as an option in the second Assist Armory. It’s a consumable that, when used on a champion, sends that champion and all of their items over to your partner’s board (in a loot bubble). If that champion is holding items, the items will become unequipped, allowing your partner to repurpose them as you see fit. Nifty, right?

Winning with Friendship: Team Reinforcements

Okay, now for my favorite part of Double Up—winning... with friendship! AKA team reinforcements. Let’s say you’re really crushing it one round, but your partner is struggling. If you quickly win your battle that round, your surviving champions will hop over to your partner’s board after a short delay to help them out. Now that’s friendship! True to their original player’s board, board-hopping champs will carry over Augment bonuses, item stats, trait bonuses, and stacks, such as Cho’Gath feast stacks. Reinforcement champions will not benefit from Augments of their new home. And although borrowed champions might swoop in to save the day, upon victory they won’t cause any damage to the enemy player. Your partner’s gotta learn to carry some of the weight for y’all to make it all the way to Double Tier! Oh, that reminds me, Double Up will use the same ranking system as Hyper Roll. You’ll gain or lose points with each win or loss, climbing from Grey tier (0 points), to Green tier (1,400 points), to Blue tier (2,600 points), to Purple tier (3,400 points), and eventually, the coveted Double tier (4,200+ points).

Double Up Tune-Ups

We’ve been experimenting lots with Double Up to make it as fun and unique of an experience as possible. To that end, we’ll be watching your feedback closely when Double Up hits PBE on (Nov 2nd). After that, Double Up goes live with the second patch of Gizmos & Gadgets, patch 11.23 (Nov 17th). And some time after its release, we’ll be taking it back to the lab for tune-ups based on your feedback!

With so much excitement around the release of Gizmos & Gadgets, it can be hard to keep all the dates straight, so allow this blurb to help. Gizmos & Gadgets comes to PBE on October 19th, then goes live just after that on November 3rd (patch 11.22). The Gizmos & Gadgets Pass will be available later that day at 18:00 GMT. Double Up will be the last thing hitting live servers on November 17th (patch 11.23), giving us a full patch to learn the ins and outs of the new set.