Dishsoap is Crowned the Inkborn Fables Champion!

The Tactician’s Crown finds its new bearer.

The world’s 32 finest Tacticians brought out their brushes for the final challenge during the Inkborn Fables Tactician’s Crown which took place July 12-14. 

Over the three-day event, Dishsoap representing Americas demonstrated his abilities were truly Exalted, earning him the new Tactician’s Crown and $150K USD!

After we crowned our new Champion, we unveiled the next set to come to TFT - Magic n’ Mayhem! During the Dev Drop, we also announced the next TFT Open, which will be held in Macao from December 13-15 at the end of the year.

With the conclusion of the Tactician’s Crown, we’re bidding a fond farewell to Inkborn Fables and welcoming in the next set, Magic n’ Mayhem. Thank you for tuning in and supporting us throughout this set - we’ll be back with more information for the next Tactician’s Crown!