Teamfight Tactics patch 13.6 notes (2025)

Patch 13.6 is all about buffing the traits and champs that haven’t been able to get enough screen time this set or in the show the set’s based on (this was just a coincidence though).

Hey. It's good to see you again. Come right in, the patch is waiting.

We're at that time of the set where patches are getting smaller, and we're ensuring that the meta can have as many ways to succeed as possible. So for this patch expect a lot of buffs, including one for early game Gold Orbs. Buffs aren't just for Into the Arcane though, we have a lot of buffs for Festival of Beasts Revival that should shake up the meta!
Rodger 'Riot Prism' Caudill Rodger "Riot Prism" Caudill

Mid-Patch Updates



Partially reverting our trait changes that went too far in one direction or the other for Enforcer, Sniper, and Watcher. For those changes, we’re mostly splitting the difference between 13.5 and 13.6 to find a happy middle ground. As for Sorcerer, we’re doing a full revert, as its 13.6 nerf came alongside a LeBlanc nerf to their top end and a general lift in the power floor for several weaker comps that left it at a more balanced spot in the meta.
  • Enforcer (8) Shield & Damage Amp: 40% ⇒ 44%
  • Sniper Base Damage Amp: 10/40/80% ⇒ 5/35/75%
  • Sorcerer AP: 20/50/85 ⇒ 20/55/90
  • Watcher (4) minimum Damage Reduction: 30% ⇒ 25%


In addition to a few reverts, we’re buffing Corki, whose go-to comps have suffered post 13.6. In 13.6, we also gave Urgot three chip nerfs across three different stats instead of one big nerf in one stat, but those changes were larger than intended, so we’re giving a compensation base AD buff in hopes he can find his legs (oh-so-many) as a situational 2-cost carry.
  • Draven AS: 0.75 ⇒ 0.7
  • Akali Mana nerf: 0/50 ⇒ 0/55
  • Urgot AD: 50 ⇒ 55
  • Vander Armor/MR: 50 ⇒ 45
  • Corki AD: 65 ⇒ 70




We're parting ways with Loot Eggs. Since the addition of Treasure Realms and the Rotating Shop, Eggs have been all but absent from our cosmetics' systems. We're finally getting around to our spring cleaning and doing away with the loot system that's existed in odd places for Mobile and PC players alike, which'll save us time on the tech upkeep side of things, and keep cosmetics for TFT in a more intuitive TFT-focused space (Rotating Shop, Pass, etc).

With Eggs going away, we'll be sending out an in-client message to existing players who have unopened Eggs in their inventories before the auto-opening, and again after the Eggs have been opened. If you want to experience cracking these Eggs before they auto-open, consider doing so by March 5th. On March 5th, Eggs will be automatically opened, granting you the content they'd contain. In situations where you own all content that Egg offers, the Eggs will instead grant 50 Treasure Tokens, enough for one pull on a Treasure Realm of choice. Exact distribution and timing will be different for our CN region; please refer to regional guidelines for more information.
  • All Loot Eggs will be opened automatically by March 5th
  • If you own all content associated with an automatically opened Loot Egg you will instead be granted 50 Treasure Tokens



We're rebalancing Gold Orbs with buffs to many of our Stage 2 and 3 Gold Orbs and nerfs to our later Stage 4 Gold Orbs.
  • Stage 2 & 3 Orbs: 12g ⇒ 15g, Greater Champion Duplicator + 5g ⇒ Greater Champion Duplicator + 6g, 2x 4-Costs + 2g ⇒ 2x 4-Costs + 6g, 3x 3-Costs + 2g ⇒ 4x 3-Costs + 2g, Two-star 3-Cost + 3g ⇒ Two-star 3-Cost + 5g
  • Stage 4 Orbs: Completed Anvil + 4g ⇒ Completed Anvil + 2g, Thieves Gloves + 4g ⇒ Thieves Gloves + 3g, Golden Spatula/Pan + Component Anvil + Reforger + 4g ⇒ Golden Spatula/Pan + Component Anvil + Reforger + 1g


Large, like the number of Annie Awards (animation awards) Arcane Season Two won this year—makes you wonder why our set has a total of 0 Annies in it…


Automata is getting a survivability buff at 4 and 6, with a lucky buff in binary for the 6th breakpoint (111 in binary is 7 in base 10).

With the removal of the Chem-Baron Emblem, playing the high-stakes trait has been too high-risk, even with an early start. We're upping the accessibility of higher Shimmer breakpoints, but we're also increasing the rewards ever so slightly in situations where you have to cash out at 200 or 300 to avoid speed-running TFT.

Conqueror verticals are very hard to pull off, typically relying on an early Emblem or two AND some high-rolls to win streak into early War Chests. We're making the early game easier to get rolling with by upping the base AD/AP—values that'll be further amplified as you crack more War Chests!

With how prevalent Elise was in 13.4, our 13.5 Pest Control nerf for her was completely necessary. In doing so, we're able to budget more power into Form Swapper in the hopes that this fun and flexible splash sees a bit more action.

Scrap (6) continues to be a late-game powerhouse, especially in our higher-skill lobbies, so we're giving a light nerf to the shield scaling that's utilized best in these lobbies through item Augment selection and knowledgeable item slams.

Sorcerer and Visionary (6) are continuing to overperform as smaller verticals—this time ever-so-slightly-so. We're trimming some of their power to make these consistent comps slightly less reliable.
  • Automata Armor/MR: 25/55/100 ⇒ 25/60/111
  • Chem-Baron (4) loss streaking shimmer: 45 ⇒ 50
  • Chem-Baron (5) loss streaking shimmer: 60 ⇒ 70
  • Chem-Baron 200 & 300 Shimmer Rewards slightly increased
  • Conqueror Base AD/AP: 18/25/40/100% ⇒ 22/25/40/100%
  • Enforcer (8) Damage Amp: 48% ⇒ 40%
  • Form Swapper (4) Damage Reduction: 30% ⇒ 33%
  • Form Swapper (4) Damage Amp: 40% ⇒ 44%
  • Pit Fighter Heal: 10/25/45/80 ⇒ 10/35/55/80%
  • Scrap (6) Piece shield per component: 50 ⇒ 45
  • Sniper now additionally gain base Damage Amp, Base Damage Amp: 10/40/80%
  • Sniper Amp per Hex: 7/18/36 ⇒ 5/10/20%
  • Sorcerer AP: 20/55/90 ⇒ 20/50/85
  • Visionary (6) Healing: 18% ⇒ 16%
  • Watcher Minimum Damage Reduction: 15/25/35 ⇒ 15/30/40%


Making sure our build-a-buds are worth calling buds. An increased Attack Speed for Draven will help him scale better with items, stack his favorite (Rageblade) faster, and get more out of his trait bonuses. We're also putting a lot more POW into Powder to rekindle season one episode three explosions—without the tragic consequences.
  • Amumu Flat Damage Reduction: 12/15/25 ⇒ 15/20/30
  • Draven AS: 0.7 ⇒ 0.75
  • Powder Ability Damage: 350/500/700/900 ⇒ 420/550/735/950
  • Singed Attack Speed Granted: 100/120/160/200% ⇒ 100/115/130/150%


With a faster cast, Akali should not only put out more damage, but also get those clutch and seemingly random ability dodges more often.

We're buffing our two least durable durability tanks this patch, one here with Leona and another in the next section with Nunu.

Renata Glasc and Urgot have been the dominators of 2-cost reroll for some time now despite recent nerfs. For Renata, we're ever-so-slightly slowing her casts, while decreasing the splash damage she dishes out to enemies adjacent from her target. She'll still be your go-to shielder and Shimmer Bloom user as we're leaving her shielding unchanged. For Urgot, we're shipping several smaller chip nerfs to his base stats that allow him to scale so hard with items and specific Anomalies.
  • Akali Mana buff: 0/60 ⇒ 0/50
  • Leona max Mana buff: 30/75 ⇒ 20/65
  • Renata Glasc Mana nerf: 20/80 ⇒ 20/85
  • Renata Glasc Secondary Spell Damage: 155/230/350 ⇒ 130/195/290
  • Urgot HP: 700 ⇒ 650
  • Urgot AS: 0.7 ⇒ 0.75
  • Urgot max Mana nerf: 20/70 ⇒ 45/90
  • Vander AD: 50 ⇒ 55
  • Vander Armor/MR: 45 ⇒ 50


Blitzcrank has only found success when Automata defensive stats were tuned too high. If you compare his shield to someone like Loris, it's just too small to keep him alive long enough to really benefit from Dominator, so we're giving it a big buff to help him stay alive and scale from the extra AP. This is one of several buffs we're shipping to Dominators who've only been able to dominate bottom four placements as of late. We see this trait as one of our worse-performing ones, but the Emblem is performing pretty well, which alongside Dominator champs falling short in non-Dominator comps, leads us to believe that the champs are the issue.

Cassiopeia and Ziggs are really similar, but Cass only gets to AOE every 3rd cast, while Ziggs gets to AOE every cast. For Cass, the AOE moment should be an impactful one if you build items like Blue Buff and Shojin to get to it quicker, but right now it doesn't feel that great. So we're increasing the AOE miasma damage to make this snake strong enough for her big meta break!

Giving Renni the buff she needed to change the Season Two timeline—better, or worse, that's up to you.

Alongside our Form Swapper buff, our Swain nerf below should still result in a net buff as long as the trait is active.
  • Blitzcrank Shield: 470/500/550 ⇒ 550/600/700
  • Cassiopeia Miasma Damage: 180/270/430 ⇒ 220/330/530
  • Nunu Ability Damage Reduction: 50/50/55% ⇒ 55/55/60%
  • Renni Mana buff: 40/100 ⇒ 40/90
  • Renni Ability Heal (AP): 300/325/375 ⇒ 400/400/400
  • Swain (Ranged) Secondary Spell Damage: 40/60/90 ⇒ 38/57/90


Silco's getting a smaller buff as his Canned Monstrosity ability already deals a good amount of damage, but this should allow him to more consistently open up that can o' whip-monstrosity on your opponents.

Twitch is always the brides-rat, never the rat-groom when it comes to being placed in the Experiment hex. We're giving him a mouse-sized buff that should have this lab rat worthy of the title.
  • Silco Vial Damage: 100/200/1000 ⇒ 140/200/1000
  • Silco monstrosity Damage per attack: 36/55/100 ⇒ 38/58/100
  • Twitch Experiment HP Damage Bonus: 15% ⇒ 20%


Generally we're seeing 5-costs be a bit too impactful relative to the rest of their comp, so we're bringing the best performing of these champs down a bit.
  • Caitlyn Headshot AD%: 280/280/1350% ⇒ 260/260/1350%
  • LeBlanc Primary Ability Damage: 650/975/5000 ⇒ 590/888/5000
  • LeBlanc Ability Damage Sharing: 18/25/100% ⇒ 12/20/100%
  • Sevika Mana: 0/60 ⇒ 0/50
  • Rumble Armor/MR: 70 ⇒ 65
  • Rumble Ability Damage: 500/750/4000 ⇒ 450/675/4000


We're very close to where we want 6-costs to be with Mel and Viktor, but Warwick is just a tiny bit over, so we're tightening the leash for his reset/survivability potential to keep him in line with other 6-costs.
  • Warwick Blood Hunter Execute Threshold: 15% ⇒ 12%
  • Warwick Blood Hunter Healing: 500 ⇒ 450


Last patch we shipped a bug with Diversified Portfolio's change that had us reverting the change once the patch went live. Well, we're unreverting that change and shipping the nerf the Augment needed.
  • Diversified Portfolio+: 2 gold per 4 traits ⇒ 1 gold per 3 traits
  • Kingslayer Gold Per Win if Lower HP: 5 ⇒ 6
  • Support Mining+ Deaths: 4 ⇒ 5
  • Table Scraps Next 4 ⇒ 3 Carousels
  • Titanic Titan HP Gained: 20 ⇒ 25
  • Climb the Ladder II Stats: 5 ⇒ 6
  • Gloves Off Bonus Damage: 85% ⇒ 70%
  • Overheal Bonus Damage: 125% ⇒ 150%
  • Spirit Link Base HP Regen: 5% ⇒ 6%
  • Trait: Martial Law (Caitlyn, Ambessa) AD Share: 25% ⇒ 18%
  • Trait: Reunion Vi Damage: 110% ⇒ 100%
  • Trait: Reunion Ekko Damage: 50% ⇒ 40%
  • Two Much Value 2-Costs Granted: 4 ⇒ 2
  • Unleash the Beast CC Immunity Time: 10 ⇒ 5 sec
  • Birthday Presents Gold Per Level Up: 2 ⇒ 1
  • Blazing Soul II AS: 35% ⇒ 30%
  • Blinding Speed Item Granted: Red Buff ⇒ Giant Slayer
  • Ghosts of Units Past HP per Stack: 6 ⇒ 7
  • Quality Over Quantity Bonus HP: 7% ⇒ 4%


  • Bully Damage Amp: 12/36% ⇒ 11/33%
  • Freestyling Amp per Trait: 4.5% ⇒ 5%
  • Heavy Hitter % Of HP as Damage: 20% ⇒ 30%
  • Hivemind now functions on the first Takedown instead of Kill
  • [BUGFIX] Hivemind: fixed a bug where Hivemind didn't work if the owner died
  • Hunger for Power Health & AD Shared: 60% ⇒ 66%
  • Hypervelocity Base AS: 10% ⇒ 20%
  • Infectious Anomaly Base AD/AP: 12% ⇒ 10%
  • Repulsor Base AS: 40% ⇒ 50%


Small, like the extra mana Innervating Locket was providing.


  • Innervating Locket Mana gained can no longer overflow (works the same way as mana gained from taking damage directly)



13.5 was largely focused on nerfs for our Revival in order to slow combat pacing and make sure the top comps (Spirit/Sharpshooter) wouldn't be as dominant in the next patch. While the patch did slow pacing a bit, we still see Spirit have too much success in lobbies, so this time around we're following up with another Spirit nerf, but several buffs to other traits that haven't had their moment in the Festival.
  • Dragonsoul Bonus AP and AS: 40/70/140 ⇒ 50/90/140
  • Elderwood Bonus AD and AP: 5/10/15 ⇒ 8/12/20
  • Keeper Shield Amount: 150/200/250 ⇒ 175/225/275
  • Keeper Shield Duration: 8/10/12 ⇒ 12/12/12
  • Spirit AS Gain: 18%/30%/50% ⇒ 15%/25%/40%
  • Warlord Bonus Health: 250/400/700 ⇒ 300/450/700
  • Warlord Bonus AP: 25/40/70 ⇒ 30/45/70


Continuing the trend mentioned above, we've got a substantial nerf for Teemo's utility that should allow for more counterplay for auto-attack heavy comps. We're also modernizing the attack ranges of some of the shorter ranged carries whose range has awkwardly thwarted part of their kit and required a dependency on Quicksilver and Edge of Night to survive at a 3 hex range.
  • Brand: Ability Damage: 200/300/500 ⇒ 200/350/550
  • Teemo Blind Duration: 3s ⇒ 1s
  • Shyvana Base AD: 70 ⇒ 75
  • Sivir Attack Range: 3 ⇒ 4
  • Aatrox Base MR: 40 ⇒ 60
  • Xayah Physical Damage Percentage: 150%/170%/225% ⇒ 200%/225%/250%
  • Xayah Attack Range: 3 ⇒ 4
  • Swain Base Armor/MR: 55 ⇒ 60
  • Swain Damage per second: 75%/150%/1000% ⇒ 100%/175%/1000%


  • Festival of Beasts Revival: Kalista no longer fails to gain items with Lucky Gloves
  • Festival of Beasts Revival: Veigar's second cast should not fizzle when his first cast kills the initial targeted unit
  • Festival of Beasts Revival: 4-star Vi's ability tooltip should correctly state the armor Sundered is 50%, not 100%
  • Firesale now interacts correctly with Starry Night
  • Swapping a unit during the Thieves Gloves ceremony can no longer cause the unit to visually linger in its old hex
  • Swapping two units on the board can no longer cause strongest unit calculations to change (for the purpose of Champion Augments and Anomalies)
  • Swapping two units on the board can no longer cause trait activation VFX to play
  • Rolling a Jayce with Pandora's Bench no longer fails to give you his Hextech Forge
  • Salvage Bin no longer deletes items when sold off of units transformed by Pandora's Bench
  • Unforger: Using a Reforger on a unit in combat will no longer delete the reforger