Teamfight Tactics patch 10.20 notes

Fates' first update brings combat recap improvements and a host of buffs for underpowered champions!

Welcome Choncc lovers and I guess everyone else too,

We're one patch into Teamfight Tactics: Fates, and overall we like where we've started with this set. Looking at general balance, the theme for this patch is more buffs and fewer nerfs. Many of the underperforming Tier 1 and 2 champions are getting buffs this patch, while others like Xin and Jinx are getting their spell interactions smoothed out so that they work properly with items. You should also keep an eye on Fortune this patch. While so far it's proved to be more trick than treat in its unique risk/reward proposition, you should now find more champions, spatulas, and even items in your Fortune drops. (We know it's the only thing you care about and it's disgusting.)

Perhaps the most impactful shift will be the reduction of Tier 4 champions at level 8. Partially due to the Chosen mechanic and re-roll changes, Tier 4 champions are currently a bit too easy to get to three stars considering their power level. However, we still want those champions to remain game-changing at three stars, so instead of nerfing the champions themselves we're making them more difficult to star-up by decreasing the rate at which they show up in your shop at level 8.

We're also adding more functionality to the combat recap system. You'll now be able to see both shielding and healing in addition to damage after each round. Janna and Yuumi approve.

Let's get into it!
Blake "Riot Beernana" Edwards

Mid-Patch Updates

Balance Changes October 7

Nerfing a few overperformers that are currently dominating most games.
  • Spirit Attack Speed: 35/80 ⇒ 35/70
  • Aphelios starting Mana 120 ⇒ 90
  • Janna max Mana: 50 ⇒ 60
  • Ashe Hunter's Focus Bonus Attack Speed: 50/75/300 ⇒ 45/65/300
  • Veigar Dark Blossom Damage: 500/650/1000 ⇒ 450/600/900


Systems and UI

Combat Recap

  • The Combat Recap panel has new capabilities: it will now display total damage blocked, shields, and healing for your team.

Round Timer

  • Removed the extra 5 seconds of planning per round for the start of each Set.

Champion Shop

Aided by the Chosen mechanic, we're seeing 3-star Tier 4 champions too frequently for their power level. We're dialing down their frequency of showing up at level 8 to make sure that their rarity is more appropriate.
  • Champion probability by Tier at level 8: 14/20/35/25/6% ⇒ 14/25/35/20/6%


General Balance

  • Cultist(3) Tyrant Galio: Attack Damage: 150 ⇒ 125
  • Cultist(3) Tyrant Galio: Health: 1800 ⇒ 1600
  • Dusk Team Spell Power: 20/20/50 ⇒ 20/20/40
  • Dusk Spell Power: 0/50/75 ⇒ 0/50/70
  • Keeper Shield: 175/250/325 ⇒ 175/250/400
  • Mage Spell Power: 70/110/180% ⇒ 80/110/180%
  • Spirit Attack Speed: 35%/90% ⇒ 35%/80%


Increased the approximate gold value of Fortune 3 at all levels, and also removed the “All Gold” drops at higher levels of losses. Spatulas can also drop from 5+ losses.
  • 0 Losses: 2g ⇒ 3g
  • 1 Loss: 4.5g ⇒ 6.5g
  • 2 Losses: 8g ⇒ 11.5g
  • 3 Losses: 13g ⇒ 17g
  • 4 Losses: 18.5g ⇒ 24g
  • 5 Losses: 23.5g ⇒ 31g
  • 6 Losses: 29g ⇒ 38g
  • 7 Losses: 35g ⇒ 45g
  • 8 Losses: 41.5g ⇒ 55g
  • 9 Losses: 55g ⇒ 70g
We also generally increased the payouts from the Fortune 6 loot table:
  • Average Value: 9.25g ⇒ 10.25g
  • Removed the all Gold drop
  • Added a Spatula drop
  • Added a very rare “Jackpot”...think items...lots of items.


Tier 1

  • Diana number of orbs: 3/4/6/10 ⇒ 4/5/6/10
  • Lissandra 1000 Daggers damage: 300/400/600/900 ⇒ 350/450/600/900
  • Lissandra 1000 Daggers Secondary Damage: 150/200/300/450 ⇒ 175/225/300/450
  • Nami Aqua Prison Stun Duration: 2/2.5/3 ⇒ 2.5/3/4 seconds
  • Vayne Attack Speed: 0.8 ⇒ 0.9

Tier 2

  • Annie Burst Shield Damage: 200/300/450 ⇒ 250/350/450
  • Annie Burst Shield: 400/600/900 ⇒ 500/700/900
  • Aphelios Turret Duration: 6/7/9/11 ⇒ 7/8/9/11
  • Hecarim Spirit of Life Healing: 250/350/500 ⇒ 250/400/600
  • Jax Attack Speed: 0.65 ⇒ 0.75
  • Jax Starting/Total Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 50/100

Tier 3

  • Jinx's spell is now an actual spell instead of an auto-attack override.
  • Xin Zhao Total Mana: 50 ⇒ 30
  • Xin Zhao’s spell now properly flows through the Basic Attack system. (He no longer heals from Hextech Gunblade, but instead benefits from Bloodthirster. Additionally, his spell cast will count as a single attack for Statikk Shiv and Rageblade)
  • Yuumi Zoomies Healing: 30/45/60% ⇒ 30/45/75%
  • Yuumi Zoomies Attack Speed: 30/40/50% ⇒ 30/40/60%
  • Veigar now targets lowest current health instead of lowest percent health.
  • Veigar Dark Blossom Damage: 500/650/1150 ⇒ 500/650/1000
  • Veigar Dark Blossom Spell Power gain on kill: 1/2/5 ⇒ 1/2/4

Tier 4

  • Riven Sweeping Strikes Shield: 175/250/1000 ⇒ 175/250/750
  • Riven Sweeping Strikes Damage: 180/250/1000 ⇒ 175/250/750
  • Riven Sweeping Strikes Wave Damage: 300/450/2000 ⇒ 300/450/1500
  • Shen Armor: 50 ⇒ 60
  • Shen Starting/Total Mana: 60/125 ⇒ 50/100
  • Shen Shadow Dash Shield and Taunt duration: 4/4/4 ⇒ 4/4/8 seconds

Tier 5

  • Lee Sin Total Mana: 50 ⇒ 40
  • Sett Starting/Total Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 70/175
  • Yone Total Mana: 100 ⇒ 80
  • Zilean can no longer cast his ultimate on himself. (He may still cast on other Zileans)


  • Luden’s Echo Damage: 180 ⇒ 200
  • Statikk Shiv Damage: 80 ⇒ 85
  • Statikk Shiv Bonus Damage: 80 ⇒ 85
  • Sunfire Cape Burn damage cadence: 1 second ⇒ 2 seconds


  • Aphelios’ turrets will now die exactly when he dies instead of lingering for up to .24 seconds.
  • Sett will no longer casually walk back onto the stage only to disappear when knocked out by Lee Sin.
  • Yone can now properly cast Unforgiven while Disarmed.
  • Thresh, Warwick, and XinZhao’s clickboxes have been extended vertically to better represent the size of the units.
  • Nami’s CC can no longer be overridden by other knock-up effects (like Lulu).
  • Vi can now cast her spell at long range when equipped with a Rapid Firecannon.
  • Azir’s Soldiers no longer have 5.00 Attack Speed which could cause units to target them with their spells
  • Lee Sin will no longer knockout units who are immune to CC