Teamfight Tactics patch 12.14 notes
In addition to the usual balance updates, patch 12.14 brings Armory timers and a large scope, yet relatively low impact, Attack Damage rebalance.
Welcome back Nomsy enthusiasts...and the rest of you I guess.
We've got a big patch today, but don't be fooled by its length! Most of our word count comes from an Attack Damage rebalance. It may look intimidating, but it impacts a largely invisible system in order to dampen the impact of basic attacks from 3-star units whose power should come from spells instead of autos. General rebalancing of auto attacks is a theme throughout this patch, but there are also power changes to our Legendary Dragons that’ll make them feel more LEGENDARY, and a few nice quality of life system changes.
Wow, lots of changes going on in this patch, but the most important one is right here: Rodger “MinionsRpeople2" Caudill ⇒ Rodger “Riot Prism" Caudill
Don’t let the name change fool you, I’ll still be memeing and dreaming with you along the way—so let’s get to it!

Patch Highlights
System Changes
With how many times I've seen players lose to Krugs while open forting, they better be packing.
- Krugs (Stage 2-7) is now guaranteed to always have at least one item
Clock’s a-tickin’.
- Armory selections (Tome of Traits, Ornn Items, Radiant Items) now have their own timer displayed so you know how long until it will choose for you!
Large Changes
Large, like the amount of physical damage coming from auto attacks this set—an issue we will be dealing with this patch in our AD rebalance section.
Nerfing the most Talonted member of the Guild. We’ve always treated Attack Damage and Ability Power as equal, but since every unit attacks, Attack Damage matters a lot more. So now we’re treating the Attack Damage bonus from Guild differently than the Ryze Ability Power bonus.
Tempest has seen a lot of play as a two piece splash trait for crowd control, but the extra board-wide damage on top of that has turned that splash into a tsunami. For those who weather the storm to reach Tempest 6 and 8, your efforts will be rewarded with quite a bit more damage.
Previously, Warrior has relied on low-probability-but-high-impact empowered attacks that could one shot an enemy carry. With this change, these empowered attacks will happen more often, but won’t (literally) randomly one-shot a carry.
The Legend nerf was one of our final additions to this patch after seeing Legend comps emerge a bit too powerful during PBE and simulations.
- Cavalier charging Armor & Magic Resist: 40/60/80/100 ⇒ 35/65/95/125
- Dragonmancer base Ability Power: 15/35/60 ⇒ 18/40/70
- Guild base Attack Damage bonus from Talon: 10 ⇒ 5
- Legend Ability Power consumed: 40% ⇒ 30%
- Mirage Executioner Critical Strike Heath percentage threshold: 25/50/75/100% ⇒ 50/65/80/100%
- Mirage Executioner Critical Strike Damage bonus: 35/40/45/50% ⇒ 20/30/40/50%
- Mirage Spellsword Ability Power per auto attack: 6/9/12/16 ⇒ 6/10/14/18
- Tempest percent max Health Damage: 10/20/30/45% ⇒ 5/20/35/50%
- Warrior empowered attack chance to Proc: 33% ⇒ 50%
- Warrior empowered attack bonus Attack Damage ratio: 120/220/420% ⇒ 80/175/325%
Nami gets less healing and more feeling (pain) for your opponents.
- Nami Ebb and Flow Healing: 275/300/325 ⇒ 175/200/225
- Nami Ebb and Flow Damage: 100/150/200 ⇒ 150/200/250
Alongside the buff to Dragonmancer, this oughta make my Zoo comp (bird, bear, ram) flip my opponent’s board faster than they can flip me the bird—I mean, flip my bird.
- Anivia Mana buff: 45/90 ⇒ 40/80
30 cost units should feel worth their weight in gold, but 2-star legendary Dragons aren’t really burning a hole in your pocket. With a series of buffs to their level scaling, you can expect these Dragons to hit like a sack of 30 gold to the face—ouch!
As the only strong legendary (tier 5) Dragon prior to this patch, we’re improving Ao Shin’s health pool to allow him to cast before being bursted (that increases by 80% upon being starred up). With a more reliable cast, we’re raining in the power of Ao Shin’s ability.
- Aurelion Sol Health: 900 ⇒ 1000
- Aurelion Sol max Mana buff: 40/90 ⇒ 0/60
- Aurelion Sol Black Hole Damage: 350/475/5000 ⇒ 400/700/5000
- Aurelion Sol Black Hole time until increased size and damage: 20 sec ⇒ 15 sec
- Aurelion Sol Black Hole increased damage amplification after 15 sec: 50% ⇒ 33%
- Ao Shin Health: 900 ⇒ 1000
- Ao Shin Lightning Rain Damage: 240/400/2500 ⇒ 210/400/2500
- Ao Shin Mana reduction: 20 ⇒ 10
- Shyvana Health: 1200 ⇒ 1000
- Shyvana Armor & Magic Resist: 55 ⇒ 70
- Shyvana NEW: Flame Breathe deals flat magic damage rather than percent max Health damage
- Shyvana Flame Breathe Damage: 1200/1800/30000
- Shyvana NEW: Shyvana can no longer be affected by crowd control during her dive bomb
- Zoe starting Mana nerf: 50/100 ⇒ 30/100
- Zoe Final Spark Damage: 425/650/9001 ⇒ 375/575/9001
- Zoe Daisy Health: 1600/2600/10000 ⇒ 1600/2800/25000
- Zoe Daisy’s Shockwave Damage: 750/1500/10000 ⇒ 500/1000/10000
Similar to how we treated Talon in Guild, we are nerfing our premiere Attack Damage item, because all units utilize AD.
Even with all the AD nerfs this patch, Morellonomicon just needs to be stronger. Right now Sunfire Cape feels like the only viable way to combat healing, so we’re adding some base stats in hopes of seeing players finally combine that Belt and Rod this set.
Thief’s Gloves is our most fun item. Let’s make it more fun.
- Deathblade Attack Damage: 40/60/80 ⇒ 35/50/65
- Luminous Deathblade (Radiant) Attack Damage: 60/90/120 ⇒ 50/75/100
- Morellonomicon Ability Power: 30 ⇒ 50
- More More-ellonomicon (Radiant) Ability Power: 50 ⇒ 80
- Thief’s Gloves odds of getting better item combinations at Level 6 and higher have been increased
We are rebalancing a number of our Soul/Crown Augments by adjusting the items or units they give.
While one of our most exciting Augments, Cruel Pact has been a bit of a trap card (strikethrough) Augment. It's still our skydiving Augment as you pound your Health into the ground for levels, but now it comes with a parachute to help you avoid that 0 Health impact.
Gadget Expert has been strong the whole set, especially when taken early. With a full item of power, plus bonus damage, we're shipping a nerf that should remind you that Gadgets (and Gizmos) were so last set.
Luden’s Echo early game has too high of a power ceiling, especially when paired with Mage openers, or something like Blue Buff Ezreal.
Most Shimmerscale compositions run units from outside the trait as their carry, so we're adjusting Reckless Spending to benefit those use cases. By spreading your Shimmerscale items across your team, you'll also be able to empower more units with this change. To compensate for those extra use cases, we are reducing the power of the damage amplification buff.
- Cruel Pact REWORKED: Now costs 6 Tactician Health (up from 4 Health) to buy 4 XP, but you restore 3 Health per turn
- Devastating Charge base Damage: 75 ⇒ 85
- Gadget Expert bonus Damage: 40% ⇒ 33%
- Gear Upgrades base bonus Increase: 200% ⇒ 250%
- Heroic Presence max Health percent Damage: 6% ⇒ 7%
- Luden's Echo I Damage: 60/80/100/120 ⇒ 40/70/100/130
- Luden's Echo II Damage: 85/110/135/160 ⇒ 55/90/125/160
- Luden's Echo III Damage: 120/160/200/240 ⇒ 90/140/190/240
- Ricochet bounce damage reduction: 50% ⇒ 33%
- Reckless Spending buffs Shimmerscale champions ⇒ Buffs Shimmerscale champions and all champions holding Shimmerscale items
- Reckless Spending Damage amplification: 50% ⇒ 40%
- Assassin Crown grants an Infinity Edge ⇒ grants a Hand of Justice
- Cavalier Crown grants a Sunfire Cape ⇒ grants a Redemption
- Guardian Crown grants a Gargoyle Stoneplate ⇒ grants a Sunfire Cape
- Revel Crown grants a Statikk Shiv ⇒ grants no item
- Scalescorn Crown grants a Giant Slayer ⇒ grants a Hand of Justice
- Shimmerscale Soul grants a Kayn ⇒ grants a Volibear
- Tempest Crown grants a Hand of Justice ⇒ grants a Statikk Shiv
Small Changes
Small, like the overall impact of the incredibly lengthy changelist in the Attack Damage Rebalance section below this section.
Going through and buffing our underperforming chase traits to make sure they’re worth the chase. Jade and Revel are also receiving nerfs for their more splashable and easy to hit breakpoints.
Since a lot of Astral units get three-starred by the time you hit Astral 9, the vertical is significantly impacted by our AD rebalance (section below this one), so we’re giving Astral 9 a pretty fun buff that relies of the new James Webb images to discover more prizes from the stars.
- Astral 9 Orb Item Component drop frequency: 30% ⇒ 75%
- Guardian Shield Health ratio: 30/45/65 ⇒ 30/50/75%
- Jade Statue bonus Attack Speed: 20/40/60/100% ⇒ 15/40/70/200%
- Revel firecracker Magic Damage: 130/160/210/280 ⇒ 110/150/210/290
- Scalescorn bonus Magic Damage: 15/50/100% ⇒ 15/50/125%
Continuing the trend of making magic damage carries do less auto attack damage and more ability damage by increasing Ashe’s Volley casts at the cost of some attack speed.
- Ashe Attack Speed: 0.75 ⇒ 0.7
- Ashe max Mana buff: 50/100 ⇒ 40/90
- Illaoi Health: 800 ⇒ 750
- Sylas Mana nerf: 60/120 ⇒ 60/130
Very small Idas buff, with a Sy’fen buff that’s actually a nerf to our dodge items, but a buff to the sanity of Sy’fen players around the world.
- Idas Golden Scales damage reduction: 35/50/300 ⇒ 35/55/300
- Idas Golden Scales self heal: 450/550/2500 ⇒ 450/600/3000
- Sy’fen NEW: Sy’fen’s bite after charging can no longer be dodged. Tooltip has been updated to specify this.
- Sy’fen Tooltip Fix: Now correctly states that Sy’fen charges toward the farthest enemy within 2.5 hexes (used to incorrectly say 2 hexes)
Preventing the Bloodharbor Ripper from just being the Bloodharbor RIP.
- Pyke Armor & Magic Resistance: 30 ⇒ 40
Because there are multiple ways to get Ornn Items (Portable/Living Forge, or time traveling and playing Fates), there’s a chance you can get multiple copies of these Ornn items. We want you to live the dream of being able to place two Infinity Forces on your carry, or two Anima Visages on your tank. And if you do manage to pull this off, send screenshots of your triumph!
- Anima Visage is no longer unique
- Infinity Force is no longer unique
- Randuin’s Sanctum is no longer unique
Having your 8-cost Dragon transform into a 5-cost Legendary unit feels as bad as losing 3 gold. Recombobulator is one of our most fun Augments, so we’re removing the feels-bad moments from the equation.
- AFK you can no longer move items while AFK is active
- Electrocharge I Damage: 60/75/90/105 ⇒ 50/70/90/110
- Electrocharge III Damage: 115/145/180/220 ⇒ 115/155/195/235
- Featherweights III Attack & Move Speed: 55% ⇒ 60%
- Jeweled Lotus Critical Strike Chance: 20% ⇒ 25%
- Recombobulator: Dragons can now only transform into other Dragons, and non-Dragons can only transform into other non-Dragons. Tooltip has been updated to reflect this
- Trade Sector+ Gold: 5 ⇒ 8
Attack Damage Rebalance
With the changes below, we are addressing how Attack Damage (AD) scaling on 3-star units has created issues with TFT's balance, as well as power fantasties both present and past.
Too much of a 3-star unit's power has ended up in their damage from auto attacking. With every star level, units gain 80% more AD, leading to situations like a 3-star Nami or Vladimir dealing much more physical damage than intended. The source of power (and excitement) for these champions should come from their spells (they are Mages after all), so we’re pulling back on this AD scaling so we can focus more on scaling their unique abilities.
After all is said and balanced, 1-star units will be a bit stronger, 2-star units will be mostly unchanged, and 3-star units will do much less auto attack damage but more ability damage.
- Amount of Attack Damage per star level: 80% ⇒ 50%
- The sections below outline the specific changes made to each unit’s AD and Ability as needed
In addition to the AD rebalance, we're giving a bit more of Nidalee's AD up for adoption so Nidalee rerollers can adopt a new strategy—don't worry, she'll find a new home on my board now that she won’t be contested every game.
- Aatrox Attack Damage: 55/99/178 ⇒ 65/98/146
- Aatrox Deathbringer Strike Attack Damage ratio: 300/305/310% ⇒ 275/305/385%
- Ezreal Attack Damage: 40/72/130 ⇒ 40/60/90
- Ezreal Mystic Shot Damage: 155/215/285 ⇒ 175/225/300
- Heimerdinger Attack Damage: 40/72/130 ⇒ 40/60/90
- Heimerdinger Egg Toss Damage: 225/325/450 ⇒ 225/325/475
- Karma Attack Damage: 40/72/130 ⇒ 40/60/90
- Karma Inner Flame Damage: 200/275/350 ⇒ 220/300/380
- Leona Attack Damage: 65/117/210 ⇒ 75/113/169
- Nidalee Attack Damage: 50/90/162 ⇒ 55/83/124
- Sejuani Attack Damage: 50/90/162 ⇒ 60/90/135
- Senna Attack Damage: 45/81/146 ⇒ 55/83/124
- Senna Last Embrace bonus Magic Damage: 300/400/500 ⇒ 275/425/600
- Sett Attack Damage: 50/90/162 ⇒ 65/98/146
- Sett Knuckle Down Attack Damage ratio: 150% ⇒ 170%
- Skarner Attack Damage: 50/90/162 ⇒ 55/83/124
- Tahm Kench Attack Damage: 70/126/226 ⇒ 80/120/180
- Taric Attack Damage: 60/108/194 ⇒ 70/105/158
- Vladimir Attack Damage: 40/72/130 ⇒ 40/60/90
- Vladimir Transfusion Damage: 250/300/350 ⇒ 275/325/375
Some of these units (such as Nami and Lillia) won’t be getting an AD increase at one star since they’re already strong casters, or have been compensated with a spell buff.
It’s worth noting that with Ashe’s changes in the small section, she will be more impactful as a caster, so maybe try her out as the Dragonmancer Hero in a 2-cost reroll comp?
- Ashe Attack Damage: 45/81/146 ⇒ 50/75/113
- Ashe Volley Damage: 90/125/175 ⇒ 125/175/225
- Braum Attack Damage: 40/72/130 ⇒ 50/75/113
- Gnar Attack Damage: 40/72/130 ⇒ 50/75/113
- Gnar Mega Gnar Attack Damage: 40/70/130 ⇒ 50/80/150
- Jinx Attack Damage: 55/99/178 ⇒ 65/98/146
- Jinx Flame Chompers Damage: 300/400/550 ⇒ 250/400/600
- Jinx Mana Refund: 10 ⇒ 25
- Kayn Attack Damage: 50/90/162 ⇒ 55/83/124
- Kayn Blade’s Reach Attack Damage ratio: 250% ⇒ 275%
- Kayn Blade’s Reach base bonus Damage: 100/150/225 ⇒ 90/150/275
- Lillia Attack Damage: 40/72/130 ⇒ 40/60/90
- Lillia Watch Out! Damage: 215/275/350 ⇒ 190/240/320
- Nami Attack Damage: 40/72/130 ⇒ 40/60/90
- Qiyana Attack Damage: 45/81/146 ⇒ 50/75/113
- Qiyana Elemental Blade Damage: 200/250/325 ⇒ 200/275/375
- Shen Attack Damage: 50/90/162 ⇒ 60/90/135
- Thresh Attack Damage: 60/108/194 ⇒ 70/105/158
- Tristana Attack Damage: 50/90/162 ⇒ 60/90/135
- Tristana Explosive Charge Attack Damage ratio: 165/170/175% ⇒ 140/170/210%
- Twitch Attack Damage: 45/81/146 ⇒ 55/83/124
- Twitch Blast Potion Base Damage: 50/75/100 ⇒ 40/80/150
- Yone Attack Damage: 45/81/146 ⇒ 55/83/124
- Yone Way of the Hunter bonus Magic Damage: 100/150/200 ⇒ 90/150/225
As mentioned above, we're using this rebalance as a way to adjust the damage portfolio of our magic damage carries.
It is worth noting that the Varus adjustment here is intended to be a pretty large nerf for the king of patch 12.13.
- Anivia Attack Damage: 40/72/130 ⇒ 40/60/90
- Anivia Prismatic Storm Damage: 325/450/700 ⇒ 325/475/750
- Diana Attack Damage: 45/81/146 ⇒ 50/75/112
- Diana Pale Cascade Damage: 80/90/100 ⇒ 80/90/110
- Elise Attack Damage: 50/90/162 ⇒ 50/75/112
- Elise Venemous Bite Damage: 225/275/325 ⇒ 210/260/310
- Illaoi Attack Damage: 50/90/162 ⇒ 55/83/123
- Lee Sin Attack Damage: 50/90/162 ⇒ 55/83/124
- Lulu Attack Damage: 40/72/130 ⇒ 40/60/90
- Nunu Attack Damage: 60/108/194 ⇒ 65/98/146
- Olaf Attack Damage: 50/90/162 ⇒ 55/83/124
- Olaf Recklessness Attack Speed: 40/50/60% ⇒ 35/50/75%
- Ryze Attack Damage: 40/72/130 ⇒ 40/60/90
- Swain Attack Damage: 45/81/146 ⇒ 45/68/101
- Sylas Attack Damage: 50/90/162 ⇒ 60/90/135
- Varus Attack Damage: 50/90/162 ⇒ 55/83/124
- Volibear Attack Damage: 50/90/162 ⇒ 60/90/135
- Volibear Relentless Storm 3rd attack bonus Magic Damage: 110/155/215 ⇒ 110/160/225
Reminder: Daeja attacks three times per auto.
The Xayah adjustment below is intended to be a larger nerf for her. Despite two patches of nerfs, Guild Xayah continues to thrive. Part of this comp’s power comes from Talon’s consistency which is getting hit here and in the Traits section above (see Large Changes).
- Corki Attack Damage: 70/126/227 ⇒ 75/113/169
- Corki Missile Barrage Attack Damage ratio: 60/60/150% ⇒ 50/70/200%
- Corki Missile Barrage, The Big One Attack Damage ratio: 175/180/250% ⇒ 160/200/350%
- Daeja Attack Damage: 20/36/65 ⇒ 20/30/45
- Daeja Windblast wave Damage: 250/375/1800 ⇒ 300/400/1800
- Hecarim Attack Damage: 50/90/162 ⇒ 60/90/135
- Idas Attack Damage: 80/144/259 ⇒ 100/150/225
- Neeko Attack Damage: 50/90/162 ⇒ 60/90/135
- Ornn Attack Damage: 60/108/194 ⇒ 60/90/135
- Shi Oh Yu Attack Damage: 75/135/243 ⇒ 90/135/203
- Shi Oh Yu Jade Form Attack Damage ratio: 265/275/1000% ⇒ 265/290/1000%
- Sona Attack Damage: 40/72/130 ⇒ 40/60/90
- Sona Crescendo Damage: 200/300/1000 ⇒ 250/350/1000
- Sy’fen Attack Damage: 110/198/356 ⇒ 110/165/248
- Sy’fen Rampage, charge Attack Damage ratio: 150/150/325% ⇒ 150/170/450%
- Sy’fen Rampage, bite Attack Damage ratio: 500/525/2500% ⇒ 500/600/3000%
- Talon Attack Damage: 60/108/194 ⇒ 60/90/135
- Talon Shadow Assault, initial ring of blades Attack Damage ratio: 75/75/200% ⇒ 75/100/300%
- Talon Shadow Assault base Damage: 125/175/500 ⇒ 120/200/700
- Xayah Attack Damage: 70/126/227 ⇒ 75/113/169
- Xayah Feathers FLY! Damage Per Feather: 12/20/40 ⇒ 12/20/60
- Xayah Feathers FLY! Feather Pull Attack Damage ratio: 20% ⇒ 18%
Continuing our trend of keeping basic attacks just that...basic.
- Ao Shin Attack Damage: 60/108/194 ⇒ 60/90/135
- Aurelion Sol Attack Damage: 60/108/194 ⇒ 60/90/135
- Bard Attack Damage: 60/108/194 ⇒ 60/90/135
- Pyke Attack Damage: 70/126/227 ⇒ 70/105/158
- Pyke Death From Below Damage: 325/425/5000 ⇒ 325/450/5000
- Pyke Death From Below secondary target Damage: 150/225/5000 ⇒ 150/250/5000
- Shyvana Attack Damage: 120/216/388 ⇒ 140/210/315
- Soraka Attack Damage: 40/72/130 ⇒ 40/60/90
- Yasuo Attack Damage: 85/153/275 ⇒ 90/135/203
- Yasuo Sweeping Blade Attack Damage ratio: 160/175/2500 ⇒ 160/200/3000%
- Zoe Attack Damage: 45/81/146 ⇒ 45/68/101
Making clutch Rune of Allegiances more automatic. That was a car joke, by the way.
- Players with a full bench can now open orbs containing Units sent by Rune of Allegiance if it would result in a Unit starring up.
Bug Fixes
- Removed the Mana icon in Blue Battery
- Glamorous Gauntlet (Radiant Jeweled Gauntlet) now shows the bonus AP in yellow text
- Bless this tooltip: Blue Blessing (Radiant Blue Buff) now states that it grants 50 starting Mana
- Star Bardian: Astral shop odds are now affected by Bard and High-End Shopping
- Varus no longer stops attacking when his tendrils spread out of his primary target
- Manazane and Radiant Blue Buff now work with Ragewing units
- Umm what?: Summoned units no longer become invincible when their owner surrenders mid combat
- Cannoneer emblem no longer causes Swain to stop using his spell, and no longer sometimes replaces Elise, Sy’fen, and Shi Oh Yu spells with the cannon shot
- Dodging the VFX: Shen dodge VFX now plays at 1 star
- Yasuo’s 3rd slash will now deal damage to units that are immune to crowd control
- Fixed most (hopefully all) of Corki’s spell fizzling. Fixing fizzles is always tricky and Corki has been especially tough, but hopefully we’ve gotten rid of most of his fizzles. If you still see any fizzles, please let us know
- Fixed an issue allowing 3 Trait Augments to be offered together
- Trainers can no longer gain extra Snax under specific circumstances
- Sy’fen will now cast his Ability while under the effects of Edge of Night and Zhonya’s Paradox
- Mages will now retain the proper amount of Mana with Axiom Arc if they kill units during their first cast
- Fixed Radiant Spear of Shojin’s Mana gain VFX
- If Zoe’s target dies during her first cast and her 2nd Mage cast is Daisy, she will now spawn Daisy at her own location instead of not spawning Daisy at all
- Units should now properly try to star up after Recombobulator transforms them
- Arena lighting now properly updates when traveling between Arenas
- Too bright: Radiant Morellonomicon now burns for the intended 2 percent Health per second rather than 4 percent